List of Academic Deans

If My Major Is...

Afro-American Studies German Linguistics and Psychology
Architecture History Linguistics and Russian
Art Italian Linguistics and Spanish
Art History Japanese Middle Eastern Studies
Chinese Judaic Studies Music
Classics Linguistics Philosophy
Classics and Philosophy Linguistics and Anthropology Portuguese
Comparative Literature Linguistics and Chinese Russian & Eastern European Studies
Dance Linguistics and German Spanish
Design Linguistics and Japanese Studio Arts
English Linguistics and Philosophy Theater
French & Francophone Studies Linguistics and Portuguese Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
ET-Humanities & Fine Arts    

I should go to Humanities and Fine Arts Advising Center Academic Deans' Office, E-202 South College


If My Major Is...

Anthropology Legal Studies Social Thought and Political Economy
Communication Managerial Economics Sociology
Economics Political Science Sustainable Community Development
Journalism Public Policy ET-Social & Behavioral Sciences
Landscape Architecture Resource Economics  

I should go to The Advising Center for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 128 Thompson Tower


If My Major Is...

Astronomy Environmental Science Plant & Soil Sciences
Animal Science Food Science Physics
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Forestry Pre-Dental Studies
Biology Geography Pre-Medical Studies
Building & Construction Technology Geology Pre-Veterinary Studies
Building Materials & Wood Technology Mathematics & Statistics Psychology
Chemistry Microbiology Science (In combination with one of the departments in the College of Natural Sciences)
Natural Resource Conservation Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Earth Systems
Natural Resource Studies ET-Natural Sciences  

I should go to College of Natural Sciences Academic Advising Office, 220 Morrill II Science Center


If My Major Is...

Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering Engineering Pre-Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering Industrial Engineering Biomedical Engineering 

I should go to College of Engineering, 126 Marston Hall


If My Major Is...

Accounting Management Pre-ISOM
Finance Marketing Sport Management
Hospitality & Tourism Management Operational Information Management ET-Business

I should go to Isenberg School of Management 206 SOM

If My Major Is...


I should go to Elaine Marieb College of Nursing, Skinner Hall

If My Major Is...

Communications Disorders Nutrition Kinesiology
Public Health Sciences ET-Public Hlth & Hlth Science  

I should go to School of Public Health & Health Sciences, 121 Arnold House

If My Major Is...

Computer Science Informatics 
ET-Computing & Informatics  

I should go to College of Information and Computer Sciences Academic Advising Office, LGRC Low rise A243

If My Major Is...

BDIC (Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration)

I should go to BDIC

If My Major Is...

Arboriculture Sustainable Food & Farming Landscape Contracting
Equine Management Horticultural Science  Turfgrass Management

I should go to Stockbridge School, 208 Paige Laboratory

If My Major Is...

Education ET-Education

I should go to College of Education, 120 Furcolo Hall


If My Major Is...

ET-Interdisciplinary Studies 

I should go to University Without Walls, 350 Campus Center Way

If My Major Is...

UWW, Interdisciplinary Studies

I should go to University Without Walls, 350 Campus Center Way