Requests for Data From the Student Information System

(Internal Use Only)

This Web page is for official data requests of the University Registrar, UMass Amherst.
Guidelines for the data request process are available here.
Questions with an asterisk (*) are required. Direct any questions to

1. Requestor Information
2. Bulk Mailing / Emailing (Optional for Campus Faculty & Staff Only)
If you are intending to use the list for a bulk mailing through Campus Mail Services or an email broadcast and desire the Registrar's Office to send out the email for you, please read and check off the following:
The Registrar's Office requires that you send a copy of the mailing along with your data request for our records. We will send the list of names and addresses to Campus Mail Services.
Please give the desired date for the list to be sent to Campus Mail.
If choosing this option, please submit the following information in the Special Instructions question 8:
  • Email Subject Line
  • Email Message Text (the email cannot have any special characters, inserts, embedded pictures, etc.)
  • "Reply to" Email Address (recipient of students’ reply emails)
  • Desired date to send emails
Please indicate if you have a specific date that data is needed (The request may take up to 10 working days to process)
(i.e. alphabetical, by grad year and residence hall, etc.)
Indicate special instructions for this request. For Bulk Emailing, you must include Email Subject Line, Email Message Text (the email cannot have any special characters, inserts, embedded pictures, etc.), "Reply to" Email Address (recipient of students’ reply emails), Desired date to send emails.
If so, please describe the nature of these updates. Usually, we will suggest that you request updated reports from the Registrar's Office, rather than updating the data yourself.
Please specify their names and UMass affiliations. Note that access must never be given to anyone other than those approved here. Please keep in mind that the Registrar's Office takes its responsibility to protect the confidentiality of UMass students very seriously. We expect you to have sufficient security measures in place to assure us that no information supplied to you by this office will be seen by any but the intended recipients, listed above in Question 13. If any of this is unclear, or you have any questions about security and/or another aspect of the data request process, please feel free to email:
Buckley Amendment: Confidentiality
Use of the data requested is governed by Federal law (P.L. 93-280 as amended, the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974," also known as FERPA), state statute (G.L. Chapter 66A, the "Fair Information Practices Act"), and University policy (Board of Trustees Document T77-059, "Fair Information Practices Regulations"). Recipients of such data are responsible for compliance with the subject acts, which govern the use and dissemination of educational records, as are those releasing such information. Details are available from the Legal Office, 300 Whitmore. They can be reached at 545-2204.
I attest that the information I have provided is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge, that the information I receive will be used for the purposes stated and that I will abide by the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. "Signature of Requestor" checkbox must be checked to process your request.