25Live Guide for Evening or Mid-Term

Evening Exam Guidelines

These guidelines are based on Faculty Senate Document 77-050, and 06-042 as amended
Please note that each exam date must be submitted separately.   When requesting for any exam during the semester, other than finals, select the option 4A Mid-term & Evening Exams for your event type, to ensure proper processing.

Deadline for submission of mid-term and evening exams every semester is Friday before classes start.  Requests received after the deadline are scheduled if there are available rooms. CCM will notify you if the dates or times have to be changed. Note that double seating is not guaranteed.

1.    The official evening exam period is on Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. This is the designated evening examination period  providing an examination period from 7:15 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. with  15 minutes before and after the examination to allow students and faculty time to get to their next exams
2.    When CCM schedules an evening exam between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., the exams have priority over all scheduled classes, except in the case of the following two circumstances

(a) Lecture and other “primary enrollment” courses that only meet one day a week have priority over all exams scheduled on Monday and Tuesday evenings.
(b) If an evening exam is not scheduled during the designated 7-9 p.m. period or is scheduled into a larger time block (for example start earlier than 7 p.m. or end later than 9 p.m.) the class takes priority.  
3.    If instructors need to schedule a course that meets one-day-per-week on either Monday or Tuesday evenings, they must submit a memo to their department head with explanation as to why  the course (a) be taught on a one-day-per-week schedule, (b) impinge on the 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. exam time period, and (c) have priority over regularly scheduled evening exams.  These memos may be reviewed upon request of the Provost’s Office. In the absence of this memo, exams take priority over the classes scheduled on W-F during the exam time.
4.    Instructors needing to schedule evening exams should try to schedule the exams within the 7:00-9:00 p.m. time period, and to schedule the exams on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays.  Departmental scheduling reps should inform all instructors of these regulations specially noting the priority of one-day-per-week classes on Mondays and Tuesdays.

5.    If you schedule an exam on a day that the university has a different schedule (for example, Wednesday that follows Monday schedule) rule 2 listed above applies.  A makeup exam should be offered to students who have a “primary enrollment” course that only meets once a week and conflicts with an evening exam scheduled.    (Room availability will be minimal on these days and therefore, CCM suggests that instructors refrain from scheduling exams with seating caps greater than 60-100 on such days).  

6.    If a student is scheduled to take two evening examinations at the same time, the course with the higher final digit (or digits) of the 5-digit class number is required to offer a make-up examination.  If one of the examinations was requested after the deadline, the one requested late is expected to offer the make-up examination to any student who has a conflict, regardless of the class number.  Students provide the proof of conflict.

7.    Mid-terms/Evening exams/Finals cannot be held on during Final Exam Reading days.