Here are a few helpful tips:

•    When you log into the tool, be sure to select the appropriate semester for which you are adopting course materials.

•    iClickers: If you wish to adopt iClickers, which come with 5 years of iClicker REEF mobile polling, for usage by the students in your course, (1) log in to the eCampus FAST tool; (2) select the appropriate course; and (3) add ISBN 9781319152956

•    Custom Coursepacks:  If you wish to obtain a printed coursepack or request digital supplemental reading through the UMass Library’s Digital Reserve Services, go here for more details These materials can be indicated under Add Course Comments.

•    Drop down menus can be used to indicate if a textbook is required, recommended optional, or choice. Specific comments on individual textbooks can be noted under Book Comments. If you accept different editions of a textbook please list all editions as option and indicate under course comments “Please only choose one of the option below”. The course comments section can also be used to indicate copies on reserve or instructions to purchase texts locally.

Additional Library Services

The UMass Libraries provides several services that may be useful to you as you choose your teaching materials for next semester.

Reserves Services 

• Ask us to purchase materials for your course.

• Donate the desk copy of your assigned textbook to be put on reserve.

• Digitize assigned materials (text, video, audio) for use in Moodle or Blackboard.

• Link all of your assigned readings from Moodle or Blackboard to our databases.

Open Educational Resources

• Meet with the Scholarly Communication office about using or finding OER.

• Apply for a grant through our Open Education Initiative and create your own OER.