UMass Recovery

Who is UMass Recovery for?

  • Students questioning their substance use who would like to talk with non-judgmental people.
  • Students new to recovery who are looking for more information about anonymous recovery programs.
  • Students new to the area who are interested in anonymous recovery meetings and fellowship.
  • Students already in the fellowship of an anonymous recovery group who woud like to share their experience, strength, and hope with others.
  • Anyone with questions about substance use, recovery, and resources. 

What’s in it for me?

  • A mentoring system for students new to recovery and/or UMass.
  • A support network for students in recovery.
  • An anonymous space to talk about substance use concerns, feelings, thoughts, and ideas on improving the college experience for others in recovery.
  • Greater awareness of campus and community resources.

Find out more

  • NARCAN can be picked up at 155 Worcester Dining Common during UMass Recovery events, or in the basement of the Campus Center at all other times. 

Call (413) 577-5188. All calls, conversations, and inquiries are confidential.

Get Support

UMass provides a range of safe and confidential resources to support individuals and their loved ones on their recovery journey.