Many psych majors plan to attend graduate school. Advisors are happy to help you understand what that entails and what are your options. Make an appointment to talk with a psych advisor, and we can have a conversation about graduate study. We also offer a workshop on applying to graduate school each fall. See our Workshops page for details and a link to the workshop recording if you can't attend!
As there are LOTS of graduate programs in psychology across the country and world, we do not post information from specific programs. Which programs might be a good fit for you depends on your interests, your preparation, your geographic preferences, and many factors. The CNS Career Center maintains a lot of Graduate School information and you can find information about American Psychological Association Accredited graduate programs in psychology as well.
Many students are interested in a mental health career, so a good place to start is this overview of mental health pathways or our Clinical Psych FAQ.
If you are interested in other subfields in psychology, talk with a psych advisor or, if you are working in a lab, speak with the professor running your lab or graduate students in the lab about how to find appropriate programs.
Also Check out
- APA's Becoming a Psychological Scientist: This series has several videos: 1) Top Things to Know as You Apply to Graduate School 2) Writing a Compelling Application Statement 3) Interviewing with Confidence 4) Guidance for Students of Color 5) Selecting a Program that is a Good Fit for You 6) Applying to Post-Bacc Positions and 7) How to Afford Applying & Attending Graduate School.
- Search for APA-accredited Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs in clinical psychology
- CUDCP (Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology) Guide to clinical grad programs
- Uncensored Guide to Applying to Clinical Grad Programs Guide for clinical grad programs
- Society for Neuroscience Graduate Training Directory
- Society for Neuroscience How to Chose a Grad School
- Graduate School Resources from Psi Chi
- Graduation School Information from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) for students interested in careers in social work
- CACREP - for students interested in careers in counseling
- National Association of School Psychologists
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- Thinking of Graduate School?
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