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There are numerous organizations available to students in Psychological and Brain Sciences. We encourage you to get involved in organizations that interest you or that you would like to learn more about. Please use the links below to gather more information about any of these organizations.

Diversity in Psychology Club (DIPC)

The DIPC undergraduate organization focuses on increasing awareness, knowledge, and skills regarding multicultural/diversity/social justice issues. We define diversity broadly to include race, ethnicity, language, gender, social class, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and physical appearance.

Neuroscience Honor Society

The Neuroscience Honor Society, Nu Rho Psi, is the national honor society in neuroscience. The Pioneer Valley chapter was established in 2008 and is open to students at UMass-Amherst and Smith College. The society is a nonprofit organization of graduate and undergraduate students wishing to promote and engage in neuroscience research. Applications for induction are available in the spring semester from Dr. Astheimer.

Psi Chi

The Psi Chi society was founded in 1929 as a community of undergraduates dedicated to personal growth and academic excellence. Our chapter offers biweekly meetings that are operated by our student officers and intended to assist students in preparing for graduate school, expanding their knowledge of available career opportunities, and stimulating and encouraging leadership, group involvement, and community service.

UMass Neuroscience Club

The UMass Neuroscience Club was established to strengthen the relationship between faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students interested in neuroscience and related disciplines.