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Taking a little time to prepare for registration can save lots of time and stress later!


Tips and resources:

Review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) on SPIRE: Academics > Academic Requirements (ARR)

  • This report will show which graduation requirements you have completed or in progress (the closed/collapsed items)
  • AND which graduation requirements you still need to complete (the open items)
  • A graduation requirement is to complete 120 credits (meaning most students will take a number of credits in addition to the specifically identified course categories to complete credits)

More details about requirements (including pre-requisites, etc.) can be found using these resources:

  • See our Requirements page for major requirements for for BA in General Psychology or BS in General Psychology
  • OR Psychology Major Requirements for BS in Psychology Neuroscience Track (you must be at UMass for at least one semester and earn an overall GPA of at least 3.0 to join the neuroscience track)
  • College of Natural Sciences requirements for ALL Psych Majors (BS and BA)
  • University General Education Requirements for ALL first year Students. 
  • University General Education Requirements for ALL transfer Students.  

Refresh on using Schedule Builder and SPIRE for course enrollment

Remember, we're happy to help you interpret your ARR, figure out possible GenEd classes, review your psych major requirements or other questions!  Stop by Drop-In Advising or make an appointment.