These are not endorsements by the faculty and staff, these are student recommendations only.
This is not a comprehensive list, you can find additional courses through a gen-ed search in Schedule Builder or Advanced Search on SPIRE.
AT/AL Arts and Literature
AFROAM 151 - Literature & Culture, AL/DU
ART HIST - Survey: Ancient Medieval Art, AL/AT/DU
CLASSICS 224 - Greek Mythology, AL
COMPLIT 110 International Horror, AL
COMPLIT 131 Brave New World, AL/DG
COMPLIT 141- Good and Evil-East and West, AL/DG
ENGL 221- Shakespeare, AL
MUSIC 150 - Lively Arts, AT/DG
PHIL 160 - Introduction To Ethics, AT
PHIL 164 - Medical Ethics, AT
I/SI Interdisciplinary
EDUC 115 - Embracing Diversity, I/DU
PUBHLTH 160 - My Body, My Health, SI/DU
HS: Historical Studies
AFROAM 236 - History of the Civil Rights Movement, HS/DU
ANTHRO 150 - Ancient Civilizations, HS/DG
CLASSICS 102 - Roman Civilization, HS
HISTORY 101 Western Thought Since 1600, HS
HISTORY 110 - World History to 1500, HS/DG
HISTORY 151 - U.S. History since 1876, HS
HISTORY 154 -Social Change in the 1960s, HS/DU
HISTORY 155-Empires to Nations: The Making of the Atlantic World, HS/DG
JUDAIC 385- Russian Jews, HS/DG
SB: Social and Behavioral Science
ANTHRO 104 - Culture, Society and People, SB/DG
ANTHRO 106 - Culture Through Film, SB/DG
ANTHRO 205 - Inequality and Oppression, SB/DU
EDUC 167 Education and Film, SB/DU
ENGL 150- Writing and Society, SB/DU
GEOGRAPHY 102- Diversity, Globalization and Sustainability, SB/DG
LEGAL 250 - Intro Legal Studies, SB/DU
LINGUIST 101 - People and Their Language, SB/DU
PHIL 180- Death and Meaning of Life, SB/DG
SOCIOL 103 - Social Problems, SB/DU
SOCIOL 105 -Self, Society, and Interpersonal Relationships, SB
SOCIOL 106 - Race, Gender, Class & Ethnicity, SB/DU
SOCIOL 222 - The Family, SB/DU
BS: Biological Science
ANTHRO 317 - Primate Behavior, BS
BIOLOGY 105 - Biology of Social Issues, BS
BIOLOGY 151- Intro to Biology I
FOOD SCI 150- The Science of Food
KIN 100- Introduction to Kinesiology
MICROBIO 160 - Biology of Cancer and AIDS, BS
NUTRITN 130 - Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle, BS
STOCKSCH 100- Botany for Gardeners
PS: Physical Science
FOOD-SCI 120 - Food Preservation- Why & How, PS
GEOLOGY 103 - Intro Oceanography, PS
CHEM 103- Science of Craft, PS
Diversity: United States
AFROAM 151 - Literature & Culture, AL/DU
AFROAM 236 - History of the Civil Rights Movement, HS/DU
ANTHRO 205 - Inequality and Oppression, SB/DU
ANTHRO 269 North American Archaeology, DU
COMM-DIS 210 - Introduction to Communication Disorder, DU
EDUC 115 - Embracing Diversity, I/DU
LEGAL 250 - Intro Legal Studies, SB/DU
LINGUIST 101 - People and Their Language, SB/DU
SOCIOL 103 - Social Problems, SB/DU
SOCIOL 105- Self, Society, and Interpersonal Relations SB/DU
SOCIOL 106 - Race, Gender, Class & Ethnicity, SB/DU
SOCIOL 222 - The Family, SB/DU
Diversity: Global
ANTHRO 104 - Culture, Society and People, SB/DG
ANTHRO 106 - Culture Through Film, SB/DG
ANTHRO 150 - Ancient Civilizations, HS/DG
COMPLIT 141- Good and Evil-East and West, AL/DG
GEOGRAPHY 102- Diversity, Globalization, and Sustainability, DG
HISTORY 110 - World History to 1500, HS/DG
MUSIC 150 - Lively Arts, AT/DG
PHIL 180- Death and Meaning of Life, DG
R1: Basic Math
MATH 101 & 102 Math 101- Precalculus Algebra, MATH 102 Geometry and Trig, R1
MATH 104- Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Trigonometry, R1
MATH 127- Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I, R1 & R2
R2: Analytical Reasoning
PSYCH 240- Statistics in Psychology, R2