To encourage consistent progress in the program a series of deadlines were developed. The faculty recognize that the time needed to complete the requirements depends on many factors, including the type of research being conducted, and we will work with students to facilitate their progress in the program. Failure to meet the program deadlines is a cause for concern and will result in careful consideration of the student’s situation. In lieu of special circumstances, the student will be placed on probation and a written plan for the student to regain his/her good standing within a six-month period will be developed.
In addition, each year students submit an Annual Student Report along with an updated CV to the Developmental Area Chair by June 1st. This report summarizes student accomplishments and projects from each year. Developmental Science faculty will review student progress each year and will work closely with students to facilitate progress in the program. Students are evaluated in the following areas: 1) course work, 2) research progress, 3) teaching responsibilities, and 4) professional development.