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The following course requirements apply:

First Year

  • Fall:
    • Psych 696: Independent Study (lab research)
    • Psych 640 (A or B): Statistics
    • Psych 893B: Child Development Seminar
  • Spring:
    • Psych 696: Independent Study (lab research)
    • Psych 641 (A or B): Statistics
    • Psych 645: Methods and Psychometrics
    • Psych 893B: Child Development Seminar

Advanced Coursework in Developmental Science

  • Psych 893B: Child Development Seminar, required all semesters.
  • Two of the three foundational courses:
    • Psych 791A: Human Development (emphasizes social development)
    • Psych 751: Cognitive Development: Foundations of Mind
    • Psych 650: Mind and Brain Development
  • Two additional 3-credit courses covering an aspect of Developmental Science.  If there is any doubt about whether a course qualifies for this, get email-approval from the Developmental Program Director prior to taking the course.  If a student takes all three of the above-listed courses (i.e., 791A, 751, and 650), then they only need one additional developmental course.

Advanced Coursework in Methodology

  • One 3-credit methods course from the following list. A different methods course may be taken with emailed pre-approval from the program head:
    • Psych 891J: Hierarchical Linear Modeling
    • Psych 891W: Structural Equation Modeling
    • Psych 891FM: FMRI Methods
    • Psych 891EE: EEG and ERP Methods
    • Computational Modeling
    • Molecular Genetics

Additional Department Requirement: Two Courses

Students are also required to complete the department requirement of any two additional 3-credit courses beyond these divisional requirements. See the Graduate Program Requirements for more information.


We provide the following information to try to aid students’ planning, but until courses are formally listed in SPIRE, this is information is unofficial and absolutely subject to change – there are many reasons beyond the program’s control that lead to course offerings changing, and students should expect that they will need to be flexible at times. We will keep this information as up-to-date as possible.


PSYCH 640 and 641 (statistics) are offered each fall and spring. 
PSYCH 645 (research methods) is offered each spring (typically offered T Th 10-11:15, but can vary).
PSYCH 891J (HLM) is offered usually each fall.
PSYCH 891W (SEM) is offered usually each spring.

Check SPIRE for the upcoming other course offerings that may be used for fulfilling requirements