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Assistantships and Fellowships

  • Support during the academic year (fall and spring semesters):
    • For the fall 2024/spring 2025 academic year, a teaching assistantship will pay $24,821.60 for two semesters, 38 weeks at 20 hours/week. This is subject to change as new contracts are negotiated.
    • Research assistantships pay at least as much as teaching assistantships, sometimes more.
    • Traineeships, university fellowships, practica placements, and other sources of support are also available. In the case where these replace a teaching assistantship, they may pay at a higher rate.
  • Support during the summer:
    • Research assistantships and traineeships may be available during the summer, adding a substantial amount to the yearly total.
    • If not, other sources of temporary paid employment may be sought, either on or off campus (though different programs within psychology may have different expectations and guidelines regarding such support).
  • Supplementary support:
    • Students who have successfully attained their master's degree and are in good standing in their program also can apply to teach UMass Continuing Education courses over the winter and/or summer sessions. This would add substantively to the yearly support total.
    • Short-term teaching contracts also occasionally are available across the entire Five-College system.

Tuition and Fees

  • Fee waivers. Students supported on an assistantship, fellowship, or traineeship that pays the equivalent of at least a 10-hour assistantship can expect to have their tuition and most of their fees waived. Tuition may also be waived for any Vietnam veteran whose service was credited to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. There are remaining out-of-pocket costs to students of approximately $720/semester in fees. In addition, there is a one-time Graduate Entering Fee of $507, charged only in the first semester of enrollment in a graduate program. Summer health coverage is available for an additional fee. For details, see the information at the Bursar's Office.
  • Nearly all our students have tuition and most fees waived. If a Massachusetts resident does not have tuition and fees waived, that student currently pays $7,389 tuition each semester; nonresidents pay $16,768. These amounts are based on 12+ credits per semester.  In addition, when a graduate student registers for 9 or more credits, they are assessed a general fee ranging between $723.68 to 1,097.50 per semester.  This fee is comprised of the Student Health Fee, the Service Fee, and the Graduate Student Senate Fee.  Health fees and other miscellaneous fees, together with up-to-date information, can be found at the Bursar's Office.


  • University housing is available for married and unmarried students, although not in sufficient quantity to meet the demand. Most graduate students share apartments or houses off campus.
  • For additional information on the graduate student residence hall and off-campus housing for students, please visit University Housing.