Hello New First Year Students!
PLEASE complete these steps AT LEAST 24 HOURS prior to your advising appointment:

Complete a short pre-advising questionnaire (Sign into Google using your UMass login credentials!)
Watch these short videos:
- Requirements video
- Advising video
- Putting classes into Schedule Builder
- Website & Resources video
- Slides from videos:

Review Requirements:
- See our Requirements page for requirements requirements to earn a BA in General Psychology or BS in General Psychology
- OR Psychology Major Requirements for BS in Psychology Neuroscience Track (you must be at UMass for at least one semester and earn an overall GPA of at least 3.0 to join the neuroscience track)
- College of Natural Sciences requirements for ALL Psych Majors (BS and BA)
- University General Education Requirements for ALL first year Students. Find gen-ed recommendations from our peer advisors here.
- ALL students must complete 120 credits to graduate
Get Familiar with SPIRE and Schedule Builder:
- Use Schedule Builder to find at least one class to add to a possible schedule
- Add Psych 100, English Writing Program 112 and/or a Diversity GenEd (DG or DU)
- Courses can also be enrolled through SPIRE (how to video)
What Happens during your Advising Appointment?
- We will review your pre-advising form prior to the appointment and note any AP, IB, or dual enrollment credits. Please ensure that you have requested that AP or IB scores be sent to UMass. Dual enrollment credits will only be awarded when UMass receives a transcript from the COLLEGE awarding the credits. Please ensure that an official transcript is sent to the UMass registrar for any dual enrollment credits.
- We will recommend and register you in your first semester courses. We encourage you to look for possible courses in SPIRE/Schedule Builder prior to your appointment, but you will not be able to register until you meet with an advisor.
- We typically recommend you enroll in 13-16 credits. Completing 15 credits per semester allows you to complete the graduation requirement of 120 credits in 8 semesters.
- You will enroll in a first year seminar. All first year students are required to take a First Year Seminar in their first semester.
I still have questions AFTER my advising Appointment. Find answers to common questions here
Valuable Campus Resources: Click here for a concise list of some of the most valuable resources for help on campus! (Note: set your pdf reader to allow pdfs to open websites -- or google these resources yourself and bookmark them!)
Psych Major Resources: Check out our Undergraduate Pages and Advising Pages. Don't Forget to look at the list of linked pages on the left!
- Here find information on doing research, becoming a teaching assistant, requirements for the neuroscience track, honors in psychology and much MUCH more!!
Interested in taking courses outside of psychology?
You can explore other departmental offerings including other majors and minors and certificate programs at UMass here:
https://catalog.umass.edu/undergradguide/2023-2024/default.html OR here: https://www.umass.edu/academics/undergraduate