The following research studies are actively recruiting participants. Please contact the researcher associated with any of the studies that interest you.
PBS researchers can list IRB approved studies on the website by completing our Human Subjects Study Google Form.
If you are an undergraduate looking to participate in Human Subject Research for classroom credit, please go to the Undergraduate SONA research page.
Adults 45 years and older (<60 years) are needed for a study on how seeing a speaker’s face helps with understanding what the speaker said. Researchers in the Language, Intersensory Perception, and Speech (LIPS) lab at UMass Amherst are seeking volunteers with American English as their first language. The study requires a requires two 3-hour visits to the lab on campus. Participants will be paid $10 per hour for their time. All personnel has volunteered to wear masks and currently only appointments for participants willing to wear doubled surgical masks are open. The first lab visit includes various computerized tasks that assess hearing, vision, and judgments about what a speaker says. The second visit involves recording the participants’ brain waves with an EEG cap on their head while they watch and listen to a speaker.
$10/hr for two 3hr visits
Do you identify as Hispanic or Latina/o/x? Are you between the ages of 13-19 years? Or are you the parent of someone that age?
A team of health researchers are looking for parents and teenagers (ages 13-19) to participate together in a study on life experiences and health. The study involves an interview, surveys, and health measurements.
Family members will be compensated up to $60 each for participating.
Participation is completely voluntary and all information collected is confidential.
If you are interested in learning more about the study, give us a call/text/email or message on social media.
Call/Text: (413)-200-8631
Facebook/lnstagram: UMassFamLab
Study Investigators:
Airin Martinez, Ph.D.
Evelyn Mercado, Ph.D.
Additional Subject Information: Individuals of Cambodian descent
Time: 90-minute interview and/or a 1-hour focus group
This study explores the experiences of Cambodian or Khmer Americans. Participants will be asked to participate in a 90-minute interview and/or a 1-hour focus group, including questions about their experiences with loneliness, values, emotions, and important relationships.
$25 per half hour of participation
Adults 18 years and older (<30 years) are needed for a study on how seeing a speaker’s face helps with understanding what the speaker said. Researchers in the Language, Intersensory Perception, and Speech (LIPS) lab at UMass Amherst are seeking volunteers with American English as their first language. For more eligibility criteria, contact us. In this study, we test your ability to recognize speech and direct your attention. All tasks will involve button presses or typing short responses with a computer keyboard. While you are performing these tasks, your brainwaves (EEG) will be recorded by electrodes wet with gel that will be placed on your head. Be prepared to leave the experiment with a bit of gel in your hair. We will also collect demographic information from you and may test your hearing.
$12/hr for one 3hr visitAdults 18 years and older (<30 years) are needed for a study on how seeing a speaker’s face helps with understanding what the speaker said. Researchers in the Language, Intersensory Perception, and Speech (LIPS) lab at UMass Amhers
The UMass ViTAL Lab is seeking parent and child volunteers to help us learn more about how stress affects young children's feelings and behavior, and about what parents do to help their children manage stress.
You may be eligible if:
You are over the age of 18
Have a child between age 4-6
Contact us for more information!
You can earn up to $100 and your child can earn a gift valued at $15 by participating in this study.
Participation is voluntary and information is confidential.
To learn more about how to participate, please email us at, call us at 413-345-5346 or scan this QR code & share your contact info with us - one of our staff will contact you.
The Somneuro Lab at UMass Amherst is recruiting for a variety of in-lab or at-home studies examining the relationship between sleep and memory in older adults.
Participants will be asked to complete a computer-based memory task and will then have their memory tested after sleeping or staying awake.
Compensation is available from $60-$200.
If interested, call (413) 545-4831 or email
Somneuro Lab, UMass Amherst