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The clinical psychology program is committed to training doctoral students in clinical psychological science, which demands rigorous research training and the integration of research expertise with clinical skills. The program trains graduate students for professional work as academic clinical psychologists. Graduates most often contribute to the field through their work in university departments of psychology, medical schools, or other settings in which they help train the next generation of psychologists. Faculty and graduate students work together closely, conducting cutting-edge research in wide-ranging areas using multiple theoretical perspectives.  These research projects investigate clinical issues across the lifespan and focus on multiple levels of analyses (e.g., biological systems, individuals, families, schools, and cultures).

Our program also offers excellent clinical training, though the program is not designed for those seeking to work exclusively as clinical practitioners. Students have the opportunity to work with clients of all ages, from diverse backgrounds, in a wide variety of settings. In both research and practice, we appreciate and consider issues of diversity in terms of culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and other individual differences.

The program has been accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1957, and our accreditation was most recently renewed in 2024 (next reaccreditation visit projected 2034).