Stylianos Syropoulos

B.A. 2018, Franklin & Marshall College
Evelyn Mercado PhD
Research Area(s):
Social Psychology
Center and Institute Affilitation:
Psychology of Peace and Violence Program
On the Importance of Perceived Interpersonal Safety: Antecedents and Consequences of Living a Subjectively Safe Life
Masters Thesis:
The Dual Process Model of National Identification: Harmonious and Dangerous Worldviews as Antecedents of National Attachment and Glorification
Stylianos (Stelios) Syropoulos is a second year PhD student in Social Psychology and the Psychology of Peace and Violence under the supervision of Dr. Bernhard Leidner. Stylianos’ research focuses on personal safety, peace and conflict, violence and morality.
Reviewing Experience
- Translational Issues in Psychological Science
- Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
- SPSSI (APA Division 9) 2019 Conference
- SCRA (APA Division 27) 2018 Poster Award Competition
- SPSP (APA Division 8) 2019 Undergraduate Poster Competition
- APSSC RiSE Award 2018, 2019 Competition
Professional Involvement
- American Society for Criminology; Division of Policing Student Committee Member
- American Psychological Association Student Affiliate
- Association for Psychological Science Student Affiliate
- American Criminological Society, Student Affiliate
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issue, Student Affiliate
- Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology Division Student Affiliate
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology Student Affiliate
- Member of Phi Chi (National Honor Society for Psychology)
- Social Psychology Area Meeting/Brownbag Series co-organizer for 2019-2020 (UMass Amherst)
- Member of Graduate Student Diversity Committee (UMass Amherst)
- Member of Graduate Student Senate Ad Hoc Committee (UMass Amherst)
- Member of Graduate Greek Student Association (UMass Amherst)
- Alumnus Leader of Tomorrow (Franklin & Marshall College)
- Administrative Assistant for the Bench-Mark Program, Lancaster PA
- Social Media & Outreach Intern for the District Attorney, Lancaster PA
- Member of Committee of Student Conduct (Franklin & Marshall College)
- Member of Committee of Student Safety (Franklin & Marshall College)
Piazza, J., Sousa, P., Rottman, J., & Syropoulos, S. (2018). Which appraisals are foundational to moral judgment? Harm, injustice, and beyond. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Conference Presentations & Invited Talks:
- Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., & Rottman, J. (2019), The Creation of a new Multidimensional Scale of Personal Safety, Paper to be presented at the 2019 ASC Annual Meeting.
- Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., Riveira-Rodriguez, A., Rottman, J., Gómez, A., Baka, A., Chekroun, P., & Martel, A. (2019) Examining Gun Culture: A Cross-National Investigation of Gun Perception. To be presented at the 2019 ISPP conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., Rottman, J., Li, M., Cros, S., Gómez, A., Baka, A., & Chekroun, P., (2019). Gender Differences in Perceived Safety. Talk given at the 2019 SPSP Sexual Violence Preconference, Portland, OR.
- Syropoulos, S. (2018). Meta-Analysis on Perceived Safety: Further Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of the Perceived Safety Scale. Talk given at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Raleigh, NC.
- Syropoulos, S. (2018). An overview of Research on Perceived Safety. Talk given at Lancaster University, UK.
- Syropoulos, S. (2018). Perceived Safety and Migration Movements. Talk given at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany
- Rottman J., Crimston D., & Syropoulos S. (2018). Tree-huggers vs human-lovers: Differences in mind perception predict attributions of moral worth to nature. The Psychology of Sustainable Consumption Small Group Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rottman, J., Crimston, D., & Syropoulos, S. (2018). Anthropomorphism and dehumanization predict valuing nature over outgroups. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Rottman, J., Crimston, D., Syropoulos, S., Benitez, J., & Gerb, R. (2017). Tree-huggers vs. humanlovers: Differences in cognitive and emotional tendencies influencing attributions of moral worth. Paper presented to the Moral Psychology Research Group, University Park, PA.
Poster Presentations:
- Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., & Rottman, J. (2019, June). Let's Leave the City: The Case for Increased Interpersonal Safety. Poster to be presented at the 2019 SPSSI Conference.
- Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., Rottman, J., Power, N., Li, M., Baka Α., Cros, S., Gomez, A., J., Bezouw, M., (2019). The Effect of Immigration Movements on Perceived Safety. Poster presented at the 2019 International Convention for Psychological Science.
- Syropoulos, S., Rottman, J., Power, N., Li, M., Baka Α., Cros, S., Gomez, A., J., & Bezouw, M. (2019, February). A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Effect of Immigration Movements on Perceived Safety. Poster to be presented at the 2019 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention.
- Syropoulos, S., Rottman, J., Power, N., Li, M., Baka Α., Cros, S., & Gomez, A., J., (2018). Cross-Cultural Investigation on the Effects of Immigration Movements on Perceived Safety. Poster presented at the International Conference on Behavioral and Social Sciences in Security.
- Syropoulos, S., & Rottman, J., (2018). The Construction and Validation of the Perceived Safety Scale: A Cross-Cultural Factor Analysis Study. Poster presented at the APA Division 27 session of the Annual APA Convention.
- Syropoulos, S., & Rottman J., (2018). The construction and Validation of the Perceived Safety Scale. Poster presented at the Psychology and Peace 2018 Convention (APA Division 48).
- Syropoulos, S., & Rottman J., (2018). Construction of the Perceived Safety Scale: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Study. Poster presented at the 2018 Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Convention
- Syropoulos, S., Gerb, R., Crimston D., & Rottman J. (2018). Perceptions of Minds and Moral Worth in Outgroups and Nature. Poster to be presented at the 2018 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention.
- Syropoulos, S., Benitez, J., Rottman J., & Crimston D., (2017). Tree-Huggers vs. Human-Lovers: Differences in cognitive and emotional tendencies influencing attributions of moral worth. Poster presented at the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP).
Dr. Aphrodite Baka, Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Eleftheria Makri, Professor, Saxion University, Netherlands
Dr. Jared Piazza, Lecturer, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Dr. Sophie Cros, Professor, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Dr. Angel Gomez Jimenez, Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Mengyao Li, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Germany
Dr. Joshua Rottman, Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College, USA
Stylianos received his B.A. in Psychology from Franklin & Marshall College in May 2018. He joined UMass as a PhD student in the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program (Social Psychology Division) under the supervision of Dr. Bernhard Leidner in 2018. He has previously worked in the Biopsychology (Dr. Wayne Hawley), Social Psychology (Dr. Megan Knowles) and Developing Moral Values Lab (Development and Experience Center; Dr. Joshua Rottman) at Franklin & Marshall College. Stylianos' research interests focus on the examination of personal safety, peace and violence, intergroup conflict and morality within the United States and in a cross-cultural setting.