Sarah Zemore

Research Area(s):
Masters Thesis:
Why do we sit at different lunch tables? : goal framing and intergroup relations.
Sarah Zemore is a Senior Scientist and Associate Director of the National Alcohol Research Center at the Alcohol Research Group (ARG), as well as MPI of ARG’s NIAAA-funded alcohol research fellowship training program. Dr. Zemore’s research has focused on describing and explaining racial/ethnic disparities in alcohol use, alcohol problems, and alcohol treatment utilization, as well as addressing cultural, social, and economic predictors of alcohol-related outcomes within racial/ethnic groups. Some specific areas of interest include racial/ethnic discrimination; poverty and economic stress; and acculturation among Latinos. Dr. Zemore also has a strong background of research on topics related to alcohol treatment and recovery, with an emphasis on mutual help group involvement, peer helping, and other social influences on recovery. Dr. Zemore has served on several NIAAA review committees, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
More information on Dr. Zemore can be found on her ARG profile page.