

PhD, 1999, University of Massachusetts Amherst

M.S. 1997, University of Massachusetts Amherst

B.A. 1993, University of Maine


Dr. Stowe teaches graduate courses in the Clinical Division. She regularly teaches the following courses:

Psych 688 "Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents, & Families"

Psych 789 "Clinical Practicum"

Psych 891MP "Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology"


Harvey, E., Herbert, S.D., & Stowe, R.M.  (2015).  Parenting Hyperactive Preschoolers: Clinician Guide, Oxford University Press. 

Goldstein, N. E., Arnold, D. H., Rosenberg, J. L., Stowe, R. M., & Ortiz, C. (2001).  Contagion of aggression in daycare classrooms as a function of peer and teacher responses.  Journal of Educational Psychology93, 708-719.

Ortiz, C., Stowe, R. M. & Arnold, D. H.  (2001).  Parental influence on child interest in shared  picture book reading.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 16, 263-281.

Arnold, D. H., Homrok, S., Ortiz, C., & Stowe, R. M.  (1999).  Direct observation of peer rejection and its causal relationship with externalizing behavior problems.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly14, 183-196.

Arnold, D.H., Ortiz, C., Curry, J. C., Stowe, R. M., Goldstein, N. E., Fisher, P. H., Zeljo, A.,& Yershova, K.  (1999).  Promoting academic success and preventing disruptive behavior disorders through community partnership.  Journal of Community Psychology, 27, 589-598.

Stowe, R. M., Arnold, D. H., & Ortiz, C. (2000).  Gender differences in the relation of language development to disruptive behavior and peer relationships in preschoolers. The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 20, 521-536.

Arnold, D. H., Griffith, J. G., Ortiz, C., & Stowe, R. M.  (1998).  Day care interactions and  teacher perceptions as a function of teacher and child ethnic group.  Journal of  Research in Childhood Education, 12, 143-154.

Hayes, M. J., Roberts, S. M., & Stowe, R. (1996).  Early childhood co-sleeping:  Parent-child and parent-infant nighttime interactions.  Infant Mental Health Journal, 17, 348-357.


Dr. Stowe specializes in child and adolescent clinical psychology. She is particularly interested in disruptive behavior disorders in young children, assessment and treatment of ADHD, parenting issues, parent-child relationships, and the use of cognitive-behavioral and behavioral interventions with children and families. She is a licensed psychologist/health service provider and is a clinical supervisor and senior clinician in the Psychological Services Center (the Division of Clinical Psychology's teaching clinic).