PhD, 2017, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MS, 2014, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Research Area(s): 

Social Psychology


Masters Thesis: 

Why We Disagree: Morality and Social Categorization


Carnes, N. C., & Winer, J. P. (under review). Do Unto Others: How Cognitive Fusion Shapes the Transmission and Self-Regulation of Moral Behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Carnes, N. C., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (under review). Group Morality and the Function of Trust and Distrust. Motivation Science.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (in press). Model of moral motives: A map of the moral domain. In J. Graham & K. Gray (Eds.), The atlas of moral psychology. NY: Guilford.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (in press). Morality: Hypo-egoic for us but not them. To appear in K. Brown & M. Leary (Eds.), Oxford handbook of hypo-egoic phenomena. NY: Oxford University Press.

Carnes, N. C., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (2016). Restraining self-interest or enabling altruism: Morality and politics. In P. Valdesolo & J. Graham (Eds.), Bridging ideological divides (pp. 123-142). NY: Routledge/Psychology Press.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (2016). Social justice and social order: Binding moralities across the political spectrum. PLos ONE, 11(3): e0152479, 1-18.

Carnes, N. C., Lickel, B., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (2015). Shared Perceptions: Morality is Embedded in Social Contexts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(3), p. 351-362.

Janoff-Bulman, R., Carnes, N. C., & Sheikh, S. (2014). Parenting and politics: Exploring early moral bases of political orientation. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2(1), p. 2195-3325.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (2014). Motivation and Morality: Insights into Political Ideology. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(3), 316-317.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (2013). Surveying the moral landscape: Moral motives and group-based moralities. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(3), 219-236.

Janoff-Bulman, R., & Carnes, N. C. (2013). Moral contexts matter: A reply to Graham. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(3), 242-247.

Carnes, N. C., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (2012). Harm, help, and the nature of (im)moral (in)action. Psychological Inquiry, 23, 137-142.


I completed my BA at Hendrix College before enrolling as a doctoral student in Social Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. For my primary line of research, I am interested in the intersection of morality and group dynamics; what function does morality serve in groups and how does group membership shape our moral principles? For my secondary line of research, I am interested in the intersection of morality and mental health; how do mental health problems shape intrapersonal and interpersonal moral functioning? In order to ask these research questions, I utilize a variety of methodologies including behavioral economic games, implicit attitude measures, and experimental designs. I work with Dr. Ronnie Janoff-Bulman and Dr. Brian Lickel on this program of research.