

PhD, 2020, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MS, 2017, University of Massachusetts Amherst
BS, 2012, St. Lawrence University


Rosemary Cowell PhD

Laboratory Website: 

Research Area(s): 

Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience

Center and Institute Affilitation: 

Initiative in Cognitive Science


Masters Thesis: 

A Representational-Hierarchical Account: A New Theory of False Memories


Wilson, D.M., Potter, K. and Cowell, R.A. (2018). Recognition Memory Shielded from Semantic but not Perceptual Interference in Normal Aging. Neuropsychologia, 119: 448-463. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.07.031.

Ross, D.A., Sadil, P.S., Wilson, D.M. and Cowell, R.A. (2018). Hippocampal Engagement During Recall Depends on Memory Content. Cerebral Cortex, 28(8): 2685-2698.


Merika received her BS from St. Lawrence University, and her Masters and PhD from UMass Amherst. She is interested in understanding the neural basis of memory and high-level vision, and impairments in these functions. Her Masters investigated false memories in older adults and her PhD examined visual object processing and recognition memory in healthy subjects using fMRI to test a theory of how memory is organized in the brain.