Mattitiyahu Zimbler

Research Area(s):
There are no bad students. There are no dumb students. Learning is the application of sustained effort toward knowledge, and in my classes I try my best to give each and every student the opportunity to contribute and succeed.
Feldman, R.S., Zimbler, M. S., (2009). Lies in Close and Casual Relationships. In Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. SAGE Publications.
Zimbler, M. S., & Feldman R. S. (2011). Liar Liar Hard-Drive on Fire: How Media Context Affects Deceptive Behavior. Journal of Applied Social Pyschology.
Zimbler, M. S., Pietromonaco P., & Feldman, R.S. (In prep). I <3 U: How Attachment Style and Gender Affect Deception in Online Dating.
Zimbler, M. S. (In prep). The Role of Gender and Perceptions of Fairness in Understanding Marital Power: An Integrative Review.
Zimbler, M. S., Pietromonaco P. (in prep). Newlywed Couples’ Marital Satisfaction and Patterns of Cortisol Reactivity and Recovery as a Response to Differential Marital Power.
Forbes Magazine (2014). lie-more-often-by-email-than-face-to-face/
The Huffington Post (2011) common_n_1106111.html
Dr. Zimbler teaches Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, Junior Year Writing, as well as the Psychology of Current Events. As a researcher, Dr. Zimbler's interests focused on romantic relationships, relational power, and deception. His doctoral work explored how perceptions of fairness concerning heterosexual newlyweds division of household labor mediated martial satisfaction. Additionally, this work found that low-power wives displayed a differential stress response to marital conflict. When not teaching at UMass, Dr. Zimbler writes for various websites including and His other interests include love and attraction, stigmatized relationships, and enacting a growth mindset approach to student success.