Marykate (MK) Oakley

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Research Area(s):
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Masters Thesis:
Research Interests: Clinical psychology; dialectical behavior therapy; self-harm and emotional regulation flexibility; adolescent development; executive functioning; LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) issues
Graduate Student Researcher (September 2012 – current): Has worked in various clinical science research labs and participated in studies of family functioning, adoption, same-sex parenting, diverse family socialization, emotion regulation, and borderline personality disorder.
5. Oakley, M. K., Ollen, E. W., Overtree, C. E. (2017). Gender norms in adolescence. In Nadal, K. L. (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. SAGE Publications. doi:10.4135/9781483384269.n
4. Ollen, E. W., Oakley, M. K., & Overtree, C. E. (2017). Gender marginality in adolescence. In Nadal, K. L. (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. SAGE Publications. doi:10.4135/9781483384269.n
3. Farr, R. H., Oakley, M. K., & Ollen, E. W. (2016). School experiences of young children and their lesbian and gay adoptive parents. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 3(4), 442-447. doi:10.1037/sgd0000187
2. Oakley, M. K., Farr, R. H., & Scherer, D. G. (2016). Same-sex parent socialization: Understanding gay and lesbian parenting practices as cultural socialization. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 13 (1), 56-75. doi:10.1080/1550428X.2016.1158685
1. Farr, R. H., Crain, E. E., Oakley, M. K., Cashen, K. K., & Garber, K. J. (2016). Microaggressions, feelings of difference, and resilience among adopted children with sexual minority parents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 85-104. doi:10.1007/s10964-015-0353-6
Psychology Graduate Student Diversity Committee, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Oakley, M.K., Farr, R. H., & Scherer, D. G. (2016). Same-sex parent socialization: Understanding gay and lesbian parenting practices as cultural socialization. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 1-20, doi:10.1080/1550428X.2016.1158685
Farr, R. H., Oakley, M.K., Ollen, E. W. (SUBMITTED). School experiences of young children with lesbian and gay adoptive parents.
Oakley, M.K., Ollen, E. W., Overtree, C.E. (In Press). Gender norms in adolescence. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender.
Ollen, E. W., Oakley, M.K., & Overtree, C.E. (In Press). Gender marginality in adolescence. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender.
Farr, R. H., Crain, E. E., Oakley, M. K., Cashen, K. K., & Garber, K. J. (2015). Microaggressions, feelings of difference, and resilience among adopted children with sexual minority parents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-20.
12. Oakley, M. K. & Dixon-Gordon, K .L. (2017). Emotion regulation flexibility in daily life and borderline personality disorder features. Paper accepted at the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorder Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany.
11. Oakley, M. K., & Dixon-Gordon, K.L. (2017, June). Examining associations between emotion regulation flexibility and BPD Features: A daily diary study. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Toronto, Canada.
10. Haliczer, L., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Law, K. C., Oakley, M. K., Anestis, M. D., & Chapman, A. L. (2016, October). Emotion regulation difficulties and borderline personality features: The moderating role of race. Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
9. Farr, R. H. & Oakley, M. K. (2016, August). Longitudinal mental health outcomes among lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents: Correlates with family dynamics and homonegative microaggressions. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Symposium, Denver, CO.
8. Farr, R. H., Oakley, M. K., & Ollen, E. W. (2016, November). School experiences of young children with lesbian and gay adoptive parents. Paper presented at the Foster and Adoptive Parent Attitudes, Socialization Practices, and School Intersections symposium at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
7. Oakley, M. K. (2016, June). NaviGAYting sexual orientation in the clinical training context. Paper presented at the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Symposium at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
6. Crain, E., Farr, R. H., & Oakley, M. K., & Cashen, K. (2015, August). Experiences of microaggressions and behavioral adjustment among school-age children. Poster presented at the Lesbian and Gay Parent Families: Minority Stress, Gender Issues and Children’s Well-Being Symposium at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, DC.
5. Oakley, M. K., Farr, R. H., & Scherer, D. G. (2014, August). Diverse family socialization: Gay and lesbian parenting strategies and child behavioral adjustment. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
4. Oakley, M. K., & Farr, R. H., Scherer, D. G. (2014, April). Socialization among gay and lesbian adoptive parents and associations with child outcomes. Poster presented at The New Worlds of Adoption Conference, Amherst, MA.
3. Oakley, M. K., & Farr, R. H. (2013, November). How attachment in adoptive couples affects parenting and child outcomes. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations, San Antonio, TX.
2. Oakley, M. K., & Farr, R. H. (2013, May). Gender, religious affiliation, and degree of outness among gay and lesbian parents. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
1. Oakley, M. K., Sutera, S., Bartolomeo, F., & Moscrip, T. (July 2011). The Spire School: A case-study-based qualitative assessment. Poster presented at the IPPA Second World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology; Expected Graduation 2019
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Master of Science, Psychology; May 2015
Columbia University, Teachers College, Master of Arts, Psychology in Education; May 2012
Princeton University, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology; June 2008