
PhD, 1977, University of Massachusetts

Center and Institute Affilitation

Center for Neuroendocrine Studies

Neuroscience & Behavior Graduate Program


Research: For many years, my research group studied the ways that hormones act in the brain to modify brain function and behavior and how the environment influences these processes. During the estrous cycle of various rodent species, the ovarian hormones, estradiol and progesterone, regulate the expression of both reproductive and non-reproductive behaviors. The sensitivity of specific neurons involved in these behaviors to each of the hormones is modulated in part by changing the concentrations of hormone-specific intracellular receptors. We are interested in how hormones accomplish this and in the external factors that can modulate the response.

Most recently, we studied the long-term effects of exposure to particular stressors around the time of puberty. We discovered that exposure to particular stressors only during the peripubertal period causes enduring changes in response to ovarian steroid hormones in adulthood. Our most recent work focused on the mechanisms by which these particular stressors cause enduring changes in an animal's response to sex steroid hormones. We speculate that similar processes may underlie mental health problems in adults who have been exposed to adverse situations (e.g., maltreatment, abuse) during pubertal development.

Public Engagement and Advocacy: In my semi-retirement, I am working on ways to enlighten breast cancer survivors and oncologists about the importance of ovarian hormones on the brain and their impact on mental health and quality of life following breast-cancer surgery.  We have a particular focus on estrogen blockers and brain function.

After women have surgery for breast cancer, oncologists typically prescribe drugs to halt the production or effects of the sex hormones, estrogens, in order to decrease the risk of the cancer returning. However, because estrogens have many positive effects on the brain—such as improving mood, thinking, and sexual desire and slowing the effects of aging—interfering with these effects may significantly reduce a woman’s quality of life after surgery. Unfortunately, oncologists typically do not educate women about these negative side effects, and they may prescribe the drugs regardless of the risk of the tumor returning—which sometimes is very small—and without explaining the negative impacts of these drugs. Physicians must better educate women on the benefits and risks of particular decisions that they make regarding the use of hormone therapy after surgery, and women should better understand the potential side effects of these powerful drugs.

Consultant: I have five years of experience consulting with a litigation firm regarding the effects of hormones and endocrine disruptors on brain, behavior, and mental health.

Dr. Blaustein has closed his laboratory, and he is no longer taking trainees to work with him.


  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD. Estrogen receptor-immunoreactivity in rat brain: rapid effects of estradiol injection, Endocrinology, 1993, 132: 1218-1224.
  • Blaustein JD. and DH Olster. Colchicine-induced accumulation of estrogen receptor-and progestin receptor-immunoreactivity in atypical areas in guinea pig brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1993, 5: 63-70.
  • Blaustein JD, DH Olster, and MJ Tetel. Heterogeneous regulation of steroid hormone receptors in the brain, American Zoologist, 1993, 33: 219-228.
  • Turcotte JC and JD Blaustein. Immunocytochemical localization of midbrain estrogen receptor- and progestin receptor-containing cells in female guinea pigs. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1993, 328: 76-87.
  • Tetel MJ, MJ Getzinger and JD Blaustein.  Fos Expression in the rat brain following vaginal-cervical stimulation by mating and manual probing.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1993, 5: 397-404.
  • Delville Y and JD Blaustein. Estrogen receptor-immunoreactive forebrain neurons project to the ventrolateral hypothalamus in female guinea pigs. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1993, 334: 571-589.
  • Wade GN, JM Gray and JD Blaustein. Estrogens and antiestrogens: Effects on eating behavior, metabolism, and energy balance. Oncology, 1993, 7, number 11 (supplement): 61-68.
  • Blaustein JD.  Estrogen receptors in neurons: new subcellular locations and functional implications.  Endocrine Journal, 1994, 2: 249-258.
  • Ricciardi KHN and JD Blaustein. Projections from ventrolateral hypothalamic neurons containing progestin receptor- and substance P-immunoreactivity to specific forebrain and midbrain areas in female guinea pigs. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1994, 6: 135-144.
  • Li H-Y, JD Blaustein, DeVries GJ and GN Wade . Estrogen receptor-immunoreactivity in hamster brain: preoptic area, hypothalamus and amygdala. Brain Research, 1993, 631: 304-312.
  • Wade GN, JD Blaustein, JM Gray, JM Meredith. ICI 182,780: A pure antiestrogen that affects behaviors and energy balance in rats without acting in the brain. American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory Integrative Comparative Physiology), 1993, 265: R1392-R1398.
  • Wade GN, JB Powers, JD Blaustein, DE Green. ICI 182,780 antagonizes the effects of estradiol on estrous behavior and energy balance in Syrian hamsters. American Journal of Physiology, (Regulatory Integrative Comparative Physiology), 1993, 265: R1399-R1403.
  • Tetel MJ, DC Celentano, and JD Blaustein. Intraneuronal convergence of environmental and hormonal stimuli associated with female reproduction. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1994, 6: 211-216.
  • Blaustein JD, MJ Tetel, KHN Ricciardi, Y Delville, and JC Turcotte. Hypothalamic ovarian steroid hormone-sensitive neurons involved in female sexual behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 1994, 19: 505-516.
  • Image removed. Download - Zhou L, JD Blaustein, and GJ DeVries. Distribution of androgen receptor immunoreactivity in vasopressin-immunoreactive and oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons in the male rat brain. Endocrinology, 1994, 134: 2622-2627.
  • Tetel MJ, MJ Getzinger, and JD Blaustein. Estradiol and progesterone influence the response of ventromedial hypothalamic neurons to tactile stimuli associated with female reproduction. Brain Research, 1994, 646: 267-272.
  • Image removed. Download - Li H-Y, GN Wade, and JD Blaustein. Manipulations of metabolic fuel availability alter estrous behavior and neural estrogen-receptor immunoreactivity in Syrian hamsters.  Endocrinology, 1994, 135: 240-247.
  • Image removed. Download - Mani SK, JMC Allen, JH Clark, JD Blaustein and BW O'Malley.  Convergent pathways for steroid hormone- and neurotransmitter-induced rat sexual behavior.  Science, 1994, 265: 1246-1249.
  • Image removed. Download - Mani SK, JD Blaustein, JMC Allen, SW Law, BW O'Malley, and JH Clark. Inhibition of rat sexual behavior by antisense oligonucleotides to the progesterone receptor. Endocrinology, 1994, 135: 1409 - 1414.
  • Meredith JM, CJ Auger, and JD Blaustein.  Down-regulation of estrogen receptor immunoreactivity by 17beta-estradiol in the guinea pig forebrain.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1994, 6: 639- 648.
  • Tetel MJ, DC Celentano, JD Blaustein.  Intraneuronal convergence of tactile and hormonal stimuli associated with female reproduction in rats.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1994, 6: 211-216.
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP and JD Blaustein.  Progesterone enhances an estradiol-induced increase in Fos immunoreactivity in localized regions of female rat forebrain. Journal of Neuroscience, 1995, 15: 2272-2279.
  • Blaustein JD, MJ Tetel, and JM Meredith.  Neurobiological regulation of hormonal response by progestin and estrogen receptors In: Neurobiological effects of sex steroid hormones, Micevych, PE, RP Hammer, Jr., eds., Cambridge University Press; New York, NY, 1995, pp. 324-349.
  • King JC, DW Tai, IK Hanna, A Pfeiffer, P Haas, PM Ronsheim, SC Mitchell, JC Turcotte, and JD Blaustein. A subgroup of LHRH neurons in guinea pigs with progestin receptors is centrally positioned within the total population of LHRH neurons. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1995, 61: 265-275.
  • de la Iglesia HO, JD Blaustein, and EL Bittman. The suprachiasmatic area in the female hamster projects to neurons containing estrogen receptors and gnRH. Neuroreport, 1995, 6: 1715-1722.
  • Image removed. Download - Mani SK, JMC Allen, JP Lydon, JD Blaustein, FJ DeMayo, O Conneely and BW O'Malley. Dopamine requires the unoccupied progesterone receptor to induce sexual behavior in mice. Molecular Endocrinology, 1996, 10:  1728-1737.
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP, CA Moffatt and JD Blaustein.  Reproductively-relevant stimuli induce Fos-immunoreactivity within progestin receptor-containing neurons in localized regions of female rat forebrain.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1996, 8: 831-838.
  • Blaustein JD.  Ovarian steroid hormone receptors in the brain:  Localization, action and behavioral function.  In: Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics of North America, Premenstrual Syndrome and Related Disorders, (ed. by KA Ginsburg), WB Saunders, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, 1996, 7: 243 - 265.
  • Image removed. Download - Du Y, GN Wade, and JD Blaustein.  Effects of food deprivation on induction of neural progestin receptors by estradiol in Syrian hamsters.  American Journal of Physiology, 1996, 270: R978-R983.
  • Image removed. Download - Ricciardi KHN, JC Turcotte, JD Blaustein and GJ DeVries.  Identification of efferent projections from the steroid receptor-containing area of the ventrolateral hypothalamus in female guinea pigs.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1996, 8: 673 - 685.
  • Turcotte JC and JD Blaustein. Convergence of Substance P and estrogen receptor immunoreactivity in the midbrain central gray in female guinea pigs. Neuroendocrinology, 1997, 66: 28 - 37.
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP and JD Blaustein. Progesterone treatment increases fos-immunoreactivity within some progestin receptor-containing neurons in localized regions of female rat forebrain. Brain Research, 1997, 746: 164 - 170.
  • Image removed. Download - Le W-W, B Attardi, KA Berghorn, JD Blaustein, and GE Hoffman. Progesterone blockade of a luteinizing hormone surge blocks luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone Fos activation and activation of its preoptic area afferents. Brain Research, 1997, 778: 272 - 280.
  • Image removed. Download - Meredith JM, AP Auger, and JD Blaustein. D1 dopamine receptor agonist (SKF-38393) induction of Fos immunoreactivity in progestin receptor-containing areas of female rat brain.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1997, 9: 385-394.
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP, CA Moffatt and JD Blaustein.  Progesterone-independent activation of rat brain progestin receptors by reproductive stimuli.  Endocrinology, rapid communication, 1997, 138: 511-514.
  • Wade GN, RL Lempicki, AK Panicker, RM Frisbee, and JD Blaustein.  Leptin facilitates and inhibits sexual behavior in female hamsters.  American Journal of Physiology, 1997, 41: R1354-R1358.
  • Image removed. Download - Mani SK, JD Blaustein, and BW O'Malley.  Progesterone receptor function from a behavioral perspective.  Hormones and Behavior, 1997, 31: 244-255.
  • Image removed. Download - Mangels RA, JB Powers, and JD Blaustein. Effect of photoperiod on neural estrogen and progestin receptor immunoreactivity in female syrian hamsters. Brain Research, 1998, 796: 63-74.
  • Image removed. Download - Moffatt CA, EF Rissman, MA Shupnik, and JD Blaustein. Induction of neural progestin receptors by estradiol in estrogen receptor-alpha gene disrupted mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 18: 9556 - 9563.
  • Image removed. Download - Meredith JM, CA Moffatt, AP Auger, GL Snyder, P Greengard, and JD Blaustein. Mating-related stimulation induces phosphorylation of DARPP-32 in progestin receptor-containing areas in the female rat brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 18: 10189 - 10195.
  • Image removed. Download - Turcotte JC and JD Blaustein. Projections of the estrogen receptor-immunoreactive hypothalamus to other estrogen receptor-immunoreactive sites in the female guinea pig brain. Neuroendocrinology, 1999, 69: 63-76. [ Medline ]
  • Image removed. Download - de la Iglesia HO, JD Blaustein, and EL Bittman, Estrogen receptor-immunoreactive neurons project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the female Syrian hamster. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 1999, 11: 481 - 490. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP, LM LaRiccia, CA Moffatt, and JD Blaustein, Progesterone-induced, but not progesterone-independent activation of progestin receptors decreases progestin receptor immunoreactivity within the forebrain of female rats. Hormones and Behavior, 2000, 37: 135-144. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Donahue JE, EG Stopa, RL Chorsky, JC King, HM Schipper, SA Tobet, JD Blaustein, and S Reichlin. Cells containing immunoreactive estrogen receptor-a in the human basal forebrain. Brain Research, 2000, 856: 142-151. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Lonstein JS, B Greco, GJ de Vries, JM Stern, and JD Blaustein. Maternal behavior stimulates c-fos activity within estrogen receptor alpha-containing neurons in lactating rats. Neuroendocrinology, 2000, 72: 91-101. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Bennett AL, ME Blasberg, and JD Blaustein. Sensory cues mediating mating-induced potentiation of sexual receptivity in female rats. Hormones and Behavior, 2001, 40: 77 - 83.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Auger AP, JM Meredith, GL Snyder, and JD Blaustein. Estradiol increases phosphorylation of a dopamine and cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) in female rat brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2001, 13: 761 - 768.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Greco B, EA Allegretto, MJ Tetel, and JD Blaustein. Coexpression of estrogen receptor-b with estrogen receptor-a and progestin receptor proteins in neurons of the female rat forebrain: Effects of estradiol treatment. Endocrinology, 2001, 242: 5172 - 5181.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Quysner A and JD Blaustein. A dopamine antagonist blocks vaginocervical stimulation-induced neuronal responses in the rat forebrain. Brain Research, 2001, 921: 173 - 182.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD and B Greco. A progestin antagonist blocks vaginocervical stimulation-induced Fos expression in neurons containing progestin receptors in the rostral medial preoptic area. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2002, 14: 1 - 12.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD and MS Erskine. Feminine sexual behavior: cellular integration of hormonal and afferent information in the rodent forebrain. In: (Pfaff, DW, ed.) Hormones, Brain and Behavior , Academic Press: New York, 2002, 139 - 214.
  • Image removed. Download - Bennett AL, B Greco, ME Blasberg, and JD Blaustein. Response to male odours in progestin receptor- and oestrogen receptor-containing cells in female rat brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2002, 14: 442 - 449.[Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Bennett AL, ME Blasberg, and JD Blaustein. Mating stimulation required for mating-induced estrous abbreviation in female rats: effects of repeated testing. Hormones and Behavior, 2002, 42: 206 - 211. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Gréco B, ME Blasberg, EC Kosinski, and JD Blaustein. Response of ERα-IR and ERβ-IR cells in the forebrain of female rats to mating stimuli. Hormones and Behavior, 2003, 43: 444 - 453. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Gréco B, LS Lubbers, and JD Blaustein. Estrogen receptor b mRNA expression in the forebrain of proestrous, pregnant and lactating female rats. Endocrinology, 2003, 144: 1869-75. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD. Progestin receptors: neuronal integrators of hormonal and environmental stimulation.Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2003, 1007:238-50.
  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD. Minireview: Neuronal steroid hormone receptors: they're not just for hormones anymore.Endocrinology, 2004 145(3):1075-81.
  • Image removed. Download - Blaustein JD. Can you teach an old dogma new tricks? Endocrinology, 2004, 145(3):1055-6.
  • Image removed. Download - Lonstein JS, JD Blaustein. Immunocytochemical investigation of nuclear progestin receptor expression within dopaminergic neurones of the female rat brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2004, 16(6):534-43. [Medline]
  • Image removed. Download - Becker JB, AP Arnold, KJ Berkley, JD Blaustein, LA Eckel, E Hampson, JP Herman, S Marts, W Sadee, M Steiner, J Taylor, E Young. Strategies and methods for research on sex differences in brain and behavior. Endocrinology. 2005, 146(4):1650-73.
  • Image removed. Download - Turcotte JC, PJ Hunt, JD Blaustein. Estrogenic effects of zearalenone on the expression of progestin receptors and sexual behavior in female rats. Hormones and Behavior, 2005, 47(2):178-84.
  • Image removed. Download - Molenda-Figueira HA, CA Williams, AL Griffin, EM Rutledge, JD Blaustein, MJ Tetel. Nuclear receptor coactivators function in estrogen receptor- and progestin receptor-dependent aspects of sexual behavior in female rats. Hormones and Behavior, 2006, 50(3):383-92.
  • Image removed. Download - Jyotika J, J McCutcheon, J Laroche, JD Blaustein, NG Forger. Deletion of the Bax gene disrupts sexual behavior and modestly impairs motor function in mice. Developmental Neurobiology, 2007, 67(11):1511-9.
  • Blaustein, J.D. and Mani, S.K.  Feminine sexual behavior from neuroendocrine and molecular neurobiological perspectives.  In:  Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology:  Behavioral Neurochemistry, Neuroendocrinology and Molecular Neurobiology (J.D. Blaustein, Editor; A. Lajtha, Series Editor), Volume 21, 2007, Springer: New York, 95-150.
  • Greenspan, J.D., Craft, R.M., LeResche, L. et al. and the Pain Special Interest Group of the International Association for the Study of Pain (JD Blaustein was participant in working group that drafted report), Studying sex and gender differences in pain and analgesia: A consensus report.  Pain, 2007, 132: S26-S45.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Embracing the evolution of Endocrinology. (Editorial) Endocrinology, 2008, 149: 1-2.
  • Eckel, L.A., Arnold, A., Hampson, E., Becker, J.B., Blaustein, J.D. and Herman, J.  Research and methodological issues in the study of sex differences in hormone-behavior relations.  In:  Sex Differences in the brain:  From Genes to behavior (J.B. Becker, K.J. Berkley, N. Geary, E. Hampson, J.P. Herman, and E.A. Young, Editors), 2008, Oxford University Press: New York, 35 - 61.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Neuroendocrine regulation of feminine sexual behavior:  Lessons from rodent models and thoughts about humans.  Annual Reviews of Psychology, 2008, 59: 93-118.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  An estrogen by any other name… (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2008, 149:  2697-2698.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Minireview:  Progesterone and progestin receptors in the brain:  the neglected ones. (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2008, 149:  2737-2738.
  • Rood, B.D., Murray, E.K., Laroche, J., Yang, M.K., Blaustein, J.D. and De Vries, G.J. Absence of progestin receptors alters distribution of vasopressin fibers but not sexual differentiation of vasopressin system in mice.  Neuroscience, 2008, 154: 911-921.
  • Baum, M., Blaustein, J.D., and Polston.  Mary S. Erskine (Oct. 8, 1946 – Dec. 12, 2007).  Hormones and Behavior, 2008, 54: 225-226.
  • Blaustein, J.D., Farrell, S., Ghavami, G., Laroche, J. and Mohan, G.  Non-intromissive mating stimuli are sufficient to enhance sexual behaviors in ovariectomized female rats.  Hormones and Behavior, 2009, 55: 404-411.
  • Laroche, J., Gasbarro, L., Herman, J.P., and Blaustein, J.D. Reduced behavioral response to gonadal hormones in mice shipped during the peripubertal/adolescent period. Endocrinology, 2009, 150:  2351-2358. PMCID: PMC2671909
  • Laroche, J., Gasbarro, L., Herman, J.P., and Blaustein, J.D. Enduring influences of peripubertal/adolescent stressors on behavioral response to estradiol and progesterone in adult female mice. Endocrinology, 2009, 150: 3717-3725.  PMCID: PMC2717861
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Feminine reproductive behavior and physiology in rodents:  Integration of hormonal, behavioral and environmental influences.  In: Hormones, Brain and Behavior (2nd edition), (D.W. Pfaff, A.P. Arnold, A.M. Etgen, S.E. Fahrbach, R.T. Rubin, Editors), 2009, Elsevier: San Diego, 67-107.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  The Year in Neuroendocrinology.  Molecular Endocrinology, 2010, 24: 252-260.
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Hormones and female sexual behavior, In:  Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 2, (G.F. Koob, M. Le Moal, R.F. Thompson, editors), 2010, Academic Press: Oxford, 49-56.
  • Ismail, N., Garas, P., and Blaustein, J.D.  Long-term effects of pubertal stressors on female sexual receptivity and estrogen receptor-α expression in female CD-1 mice.  Hormones and Behavior, 2011, 59:  565–571.
  • Olesen, K.M., Ismail, N., Merchasin, E., and Blaustein, J.D.  Long-term alteration of anxiolytic effects of ovarian hormones in female mice by a pubertal immune stressor, Hormones and Behavior, 2011, 60: 318-326.
  • McCarthy, M.M, Arnold, A.P., Ball, G.B., Blaustein, J.D., and De Vries, G.J. Sex Differences in the Brain: The Not So Inconvenient Truth, Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32: 2241–2247.  PMCID: PMC3295598
  • Blaustein, J.D.  Steroid hormone receptors: Long- and short-term integrators of the internal milieu and the external environment.  Hormone and Metabolic Research, 2012, 44: 563-568. PMID: 22549398
  • Ismail, N., Kumlin, A., and Blaustein, J.D.  A pubertal immune challenge alters the anti-depressant-like effects of estradiol in inbred and outbred adult female mice.  Neuroscience, 2013 249: 43-52.​  PMID:  22773371
  • Mani, S.K. and Blaustein, J.D.  Neural progestin receptors and female sexual behavior.  Neuroendocrinology, 2012, 96: 152-161.    PMCID: PMC3498483
  • Ismail, N., Kumlin, A., and Blaustein, J.D.  A pubertal immune challenge alters the anti-depressant-like effects of estradiol in inbred and outbred adult female mice.  Neuroscience, 2013 249: 43-52. PMCID: PMC3567249

  • Ismail, I. and Blaustein, J.D.  Pubertal immune challenge blocks the ability of estradiol to enhance performance on cognitive tasks in adult female mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2013, 38: 1170-1177. PMCID: PMC3604046  

  • Blaustein, J.D. and Ismail, N.  Enduring influence of pubertal stressors on behavioral response to hormones in female mice. Hormones and Behavior, 2013, 64: 390-398. PMCID: PMC3761225  

  • Holder, M.K. and Blaustein, J.D. Puberty and adolescence as a time of vulnerability to stressors that alter neurobehavioral processes.  Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 2014, 35: 89-110.  PMCID: PMC3946873

  • Pfaus, J.G., Jones, S.L., Flanagan-Cato, L. and Blaustein, J.D.  Female Sexual Behavior.  In: Physiology of Reproduction (Plant, T. and Zeleznik, A., Editors; McCarthy, M. Section Editor), Elsevier: New York. 2015, 2287-2370.    

  • Lima-Hernández, F.J., Gómora-Arrati, P., García-Juárez, M., Blaustein, J.D., Etgen, A.M.,  Beyer, C. and González-Flores, O. Estrogen receptors regulate the estrous behavior induced by progestins, peptides, and prostaglandin E2.  Hormones and Behavior, 2014, 66: 361-368.  PMID: 24954691  ​

  • Blaustein, J.D., Ismail, N., and Holder, MK.  “Review: Puberty as a time of remodeling the adult response to ovarian hormones. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. published online, PMID: 26004504.  ​

  • Domínguez-Ordóñez, R., Garcia-Juárez, M., Lima-Hernández, F.J., Gómora-Arrati, P., Blaustein, J.D. and González-Flores, O.  Sexual receptivity facilitated by unesterified estradiol: dependence on estrogen and progestin receptors and priming dose of estradiol benzoate, Behavioral Neuroscience, 2015, published online, PMID: 26501172

Books Edited:

  • Blaustein JD Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Behavioral Neurochemistry, Neuroendocrinology and Molecular Neurobiology (Lajtha, A, Series Editor), Volume 21, 2007, Springer: New York, 954 pages.​

Editorials and commentaries:

Blaustein, J.D.  Can you teach an old dogma new tricks?  Endocrinology, 2004, 145:  1055 - 1056.

Blaustein, J.D.  Embracing the evolution of Endocrinology. (Editorial) Endocrinology, 2008, 149: 1-2.

Blaustein, J.D.  An estrogen by any other name… (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2008, 149:  2697-2698.

Blaustein, J.D.  Minireview:  Progesterone and progestin receptors in the brain:  the neglected ones. (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2008, 149:  2737-2738.

Blaustein, J.D. An estrogen by any other name… Endocrine News, October, 2008, 28-29.  Reprinted from Endocrinology, 2008, 149: 2697-2698.

Baum, M., Blaustein, J.D., and Polston, E.K.  Mary S. Erskine (Oct. 8, 1946 – Dec. 12, 2007).  Hormones and Behavior, 2008, 54: 225-226.

Blaustein, J.D.  The word for this year is change. (Editorial), Endocrinology, 2009, 150: 1-2.

Blaustein, J.D., McCarthy, M.M.  Phoenix, Goy, Gerall and Young:  50 years young and going strong (Editorial).  Endocrinology, 2009, 150: 2501.

Blaustein, J.D.  Fraud: Just say no!  (Editorial) Endocrinology, 2010, 151, 1-3.

Blaustein, J.D.  Fraud: Who is responsible?  The  Published 29th April 2010.

Blaustein, J.D.  A few changes at Endocrinology (Editorial) Endocrinology, 2010, 151: 2403.

Blaustein, J.D.  Nearby construction influences the physiology of research animals:  Beyond stress hormones.  Endocrinology, 2011, 152: 1197 – 1198.  PMID: 21430187

Blaustein, J.D.  Animals have a sex, and so should titles and methods sections of articles in Endocrinology. (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2012, 153:  2539-2540.  PMID: 22610963

Blaustein, J.D.  A bittersweet transition:  some final thoughts. (Editorial)  Endocrinology, 2012, 153:  5689-5691. PMID: 23192609