David Scherer

PhD, 1989, University of Virginia
Using Psychological Science to Inform Public Policy (undergraduate). Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (2016) Center for Public Policy and Administration, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2006)
Adolescent Psychology (undergraduate). Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2006-present).
Psychopathology (graduate). Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2005-present).
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Annett, R. D., Brody, J. L., Scherer, D. G., Turner , C. W., Dalen , J., & Raissy, H. (in review). A randomized study of a method for optimizing adolescent assent to biomedical research. American Journal of Bioethics Empirical Bioethics,
Oakley, M.K., Farr, R. H., & Scherer, D. G. (In Press). Same-sex parent socialization: Understanding gay and lesbian parenting practices as cultural socialization. Journal of GLBT Family Studies,
Scherer, D. G., Brody, J. L., Annett, R. D., Turner, C., Dalen, J., & Yoon, Y. (2013). Empirically derived knowledge on adolescent assent to pediatric biomedical research. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research, 4, 15-26.
Brody, J. L., Turner, C., Annett, R. D., Scherer, D. G., & Dalen, J. (2012). Predicting adolescent asthma research participation decisions from a structural equations model of protocol factors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51, 252-258.
Brody, J. L., Dalen, J., Annett, R. D., Scherer, D. G. & Turner, C. (2012). Conceptualizing the role of research literacy in advancing societal health. Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 724-730.
Brody, J. L., Annett, R. D., Scherer, D. G., Turner, C. & Dalen, J. (2009). Enrolling adolescents in asthma research: Adolescent, parent, and physician influence in the decision-making process. Journal of Asthma, 46, 492-497.
Scherer, D. G., Annett, R. D. & Brody, J. L. (2007). Ethical issues in adolescent and parent informed consent for pediatric asthma research participation. Journal of Asthma, 44, 489-496.
Brody, J. L., Scherer, D. G., Annett, R. D., Turner, C. & Dalen, J. (2006). Family and physician influence on asthma research participation decisions for adolescents: The effects of adolescent gender and research risk. Pediatrics, 11, e356-62.
Brody, J. L., Annett, R. D., Scherer, D. G., Perryman, M. & Cofrin, K. M. W. (2005). Comparisons of adolescent and parent willingness to participate in minimal and above-minimal risk pediatric asthma research protocols. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37, 229-235.
Scherer, D. G., Brody, J. L., Annett, R. D., Hetter, J., Roberts, L. W. & Cofrin, K. M. W. (2005). Financial compensation to adolescents for participation in biomedical research: Adolescent and parent perspectives in seven studies. Journal of Pediatrics, 146, 552-558.
Annett, R. D., Brody, J. L., Scherer, D. G. & Perkett, E. A. (2004). Perceived risk associated with asthma research procedures among children, parents, and pediatricians. Journal of Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 114, 1138-1145.
Barbee, P., Scherer, D. G. & Combs, D. (2003). Service learning in the preparation of counselors: Examining the relationship with counselor self-efficacy. Counselor Education and Supervision, 43, 108-119.
Bolton-Oetzel, K. & Scherer, D. G. (2003). Therapeutic engagement with adolescents in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 40, 215-225.
Brody, J. L., Scherer, D. G., Annett, R. D. & Pearson-Bish, M. (2003). Voluntary assent in biomedical research with adolescents: A comparison of parent and adolescent views. Ethics and Behavior, 13, 79-95.
Arman, J. E. & Scherer, D. G. (2002). Service learning in school counselor preparation: A qualitative analysis. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education, and Development, 41, 69-86.
Nagel, L., Scherer, D. G. & Lee, W. (2000) Adolescent health-compromising behaviors: Motivating school counselors. The American Journal of Health Behavior, 24, 174-180.
Scherer, D. G., Nagel, L. & Lee, W. (2000). Working with adolescent health risk behaviors: Differences among frontier, rural, and urban school counselors. The Rural Educator, 21, 22-27.
Hoyt, S. & Scherer, D. G. (1998). Female juvenile delinquency: Misunderstood by the juvenile justice system, neglected by social science. Law and Human Behavior, 22, 81-107.
Henggeler, S. W., Melton, G. B., Brondino, M. J., Scherer, D. G. & Hanley, J. H. (1997). Multisystemic therapy with violent and chronic juvenile offenders and their families: The role of treatment fidelity in successful dissemination. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 821-833.
Scherer, D. G., Melloh, T., Buyck, D., Anderson, C. & Foster, A. (1996). Relation between children's perceptions of maternal mental illness and children's psychological adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 25, 156-169.
Rotunda, R. J., Scherer, D. G. & Imm, P. S. (1995). Family systems and alcohol misuse: Research on the effects of alcoholism on family functioning and effective family interventions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 26, 95-104.
Scherer, D. G., Brondino, M. J., Henggeler, S. W., Melton, G. B. & Hanley, J. H. (1994). Multisystemic family preservation with rural and minority families of serious adolescent offenders: Preliminary findings from a controlled clinical trial. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2, 198-206.
Bandoroff, S. & Scherer, D. G. (1994). Wilderness family therapy: An innovative treatment approach for problem youth. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 3, 175-191.
Scherer, D. G. (1991). The capacities of minors to exercise voluntariness in medical treatment decisions. Law and Human Behavior, 15, 431-449.
Gardner, W. P., Scherer, D. G. & Tester, M. (1989). Asserting scientific authority: Cognitive development and adolescent legal rights. American Psychologist, 44, 895-902.
Scherer, D. G. & Reppucci, N. D. (1988). Adolescents' capacities to provide voluntary informed consent: Effects of parental influence and medical dilemmas. Law and Human Behavior, 12, 123-141.
Book Chapters
Scherer, D. G. (2007). Recognizing and understanding student mental health problems. In M. Pressley & C. B. McCormick, Child and adolescent development for educators (pp. 365-391). New York: Guilford Press.
Scherer, D. G. (1997). Wilderness counseling with families. In V. O. Long’s Experiential Counseling (pp. 116-128). Pacific Grove, CA: ITP/Brooks/Cole.
Scherer, D. G. (1997). An historical overview and rationale for experiential counseling. In V. O. Long’s Experiential Counseling (pp. 16-22). Pacific Grove, CA: ITP/Brooks/Cole.
Schoenwald, S. K., Scherer, D. G. & Brondino, M. J. (1997). Innovative treatments of serious juvenile offenders. In S. W. Henggeler & A. B. Santos (Eds.) Innovative models of mental health treatment for 'difficult to treat' clinical populations (pp. 65-82). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Weithorn, L. A. & Scherer, D. G. (1994). Children's involvement in research participation decisions: Psychological considerations. In M. A. Grodin & L. Glanz (Eds.), Children as research subjects: Science, ethics and law (pp. 133-179). New York: Oxford University Press.
Direction of Dissertation Research
Yoon, Y. (2015). The Role of Adoptive Identity in Career Development of College and Non-College Individuals. Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts.
Dadlani, M. (2012). Malleable racial identification in Multiracial individuals: A new paradigm for integrating race and identity in America. Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Branch, A. (2012). The importance of relationship quality in informal caregiving: A dyadic process. Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Perryman, M. (2005). The relationship between parents’ weight-related perceptions and behaviors and children’s body composition, body image, and self-concept. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Bolton-Oetzel, K. (2005). Attachment as an indicator of adolescent substance abuse treatment outcome: A study of autonomy and relatedness. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Cornett, S. (2003). Expertise in multicultural counseling. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Rudolph, L. (2002). Domestic violence among women of Mexican descent. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Fernandez Geilin, V. A. (2000). Factors predicting academic status in Southwestern U.S. Hispanics. Educational Psychology, University of New Mexico.
Barbee, P. (1999). Examining the relationship between service-learning and student counselor self efficacy. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Carlin, M. J. (1999). The implications of childhood sexual abuse for adult relationship satisfaction in women. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Arman, J. (1998). An examination of the school counseling component of the Traverse Outreach Project. Counselor Education, University of New Mexico.
Bandoroff, S. (1992). Wilderness family therapy: An innovative treatment approach for problem youth. Clinical Psychology, University of South Carolina.
Dr. David Scherer earned his PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Virginia in 1989 where he received his training in clinical child psychology and family systems therapy. Since then he has held faculty appointments at the University of South Carolina and University of New Mexico. He has been on the faculty of the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at UMass Amherst since 2005. His research has focused on adolescent autonomy in the family context and particularly on how adolescents and parents make important medical and research participation decisions. He has also conducted research on innovative models of psychotherapy for troubled and substance abusing adolescents and their families. Dr. Scherer is a licensed psychologist and currently serves on the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists.