Christina Rowley
BA in Psychology with Honors 2014, UC Irvine
MS in Clinical Psychology 2018, CSU Fullerton
PhD, 2024, UMass Amherst

Maureen Perry-Jenkins PhD
Course Assistant – College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology CSU Fullerton
Courses: PSYCH 300: Intermediate Research Methods and Statistics, PSYCH 361: Developmental Psychology, PSYCH 440: Determinants of Health Behavior
Graduate Assistant – College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology CSU Fullerton
Courses: PSYCH 201: Introduction to Statistics in Psychology, PSYCH 302L: Learning and Memory, PSYCH 304L: Comparative Animal Behavior, PSYCH 305L: Cognitive Psychology
Okado, Y., De Pace, D., Ewing, E., & Rowley, C. (2018). Brief relaxation training for the prevention of stress-related difficulties: A pilot study. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Okado, Y., Rowley, C., Schepers, S. A., Long, A. M., & Phipps, S. (2018). Profiles of adjustment in pediatric cancer survivors and their prediction by earlier psychosocial factors. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 1-12. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsy037
Okado, Y., Ewing, E., Rowley, C., & Jones, D. E. (2017). Trajectories of mental health-related service use among adolescents with histories of early externalizing problems. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61, 198-204. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.02.012
Rowley, C. & Okado, Y. (2017, August). Mother-child relationship and autonomy in adolescence: The role in predicting suicidality. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
Rowley, C., Barajas, R., Le, J., & Ignacio, D. A. (2017, August). Living positively: Mindfulness: Treatment for affected individuals and their families. Presented at a Huntington’s Disease Awareness/Resource Event, Santa Ana, CA.
Rowley, C. & Okado, Y. (2017, April). The role of parent relationship quality and autonomy during adolescence in predicting later anxiety-depressive symptoms. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Sacramento, CA.
Mucino, R., Rowley, C., & Okado, Y. (2017, April). The effect of relaxation techniques on college students’ perceived level of stress. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Sacramento, CA.
Rowley, C., Ahmed, S. R. (2016, September). Predicting early childhood depression: The role of neighbourhood quality and parent social networks. Poster presented at the National Conference for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS.
Rowley, C. & Okado, Y. (2016, May). Effects of self-esteem, depression, and anticipated educational attainment on education outcomes in children of immigrants. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science's Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Rowley, C., Okado, Y., & Haskett, M. E. (2016, April). The relationship between parental psychopathology and symptoms in physically abused children. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Long Beach, CA.
Abdullah, M., Rowley, C.A., Schuck, S. (2014, May). Age and Severity of Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms in a Population of Children in a Behavioral Health Day Treatment Program. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Symposium, University of California, Irvine, CA.
Ortiz, P., Rowley, C.A., & Barbara Sarnecka, B.W. (2014, May). Socioeconomic Effect on Children’s Approximate Number System Acuity and Knower-Level. Poster presented at the Annual Symposium on Cognitive and Language Development, Los Angeles, CA.
Rowley, C.A., Wang, W., Sarnecka, B.W. (2013, May). Comparing Knowledge of Counting in Lower Versus Higher Income Bilingual Preschoolers. Poster presented at the Annual Symposium on Cognitive and Language Development, Irvine, CA.