Benjamin Rolon-Arroyo

Research Area(s):
Masters Thesis:
Winter 2013- Instructor: Abnormal Psychology (Undergraduate Online Course)
Winter 2015 UMass Amherst Continuing & Professional Education
Fall 2011- Graduate Teaching Assistant: Research Methods in Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
Fall 2012, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, UMass Amherst
Spring 2014- Instructor: Libbie Kohler, Ph.D.
Spring 2015
Fall 2013 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Interdisciplinary Directions in Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, UMass Amherst
Instructor: Christina Metevier, Ph.D.
Spring 2011 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Abnormal Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
& Spring 2013 Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, UMass Amherst
Instructor: Richard Halgin, Ph.D., & Chris Overtree, Ph.D.
Fall 2010 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, UMass Amherst
Instructor: Tammy Rahhal, Ph.D.
Rolon-Arroyo, B., Harvey, E., & Arnold, D. H. (2014). The Predictive Utility of Conduct Disorder Symptoms in Preschool Children: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study. Journal of Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 45 (3), 329-337. doi: 10.1007/s10578-013-0404-8
Marshall, N. A., Arnold, D. H., Rolon-Arroyo, B., & Griffith, S. F. (2015). The Association between Relational Aggression and Internalizing Symptoms: A Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34 (2), 135-160. doi:
Rolon-Arroyo, B., Arnold, D. H., Harvey, E. A., & Marshall, N. (2016). The Utility of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Externalizing Behaviors in Preschool-Age Children. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 25 (1), 65-76. doi: 10.1007/s10826-015-0203-x
Tichovolsky, M.H., Griffith S. F., Rolon-Arroyo, B., Arnold D.H., & Harvey, E.A. (revise and resubmit). A Longitudinal Study of Fathers’ and Children’s Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Rolon-Arroyo, B., Arnold, D. H., Breaux, R., & Harvey, E. A. (submitted). Bidirectional Relationships between Parenting Behaviors and Conduct Disorder Symptoms in Preschool-Age Children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Griffith, S.F., Arnold, D. H., Rolon-Arroyo, B., & Harvey, E. A. (submitted). Neuropsychological Predictors of ODD Symptom Dimensions in Young Children. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology.