Amanda Cremone

PhD, 2017, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Research Area(s):
Behavioral Neuroscience
Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Science
Center and Institute Affilitation:
Neuroscience & Behavior Graduate Program
- Cremone, A., Kurdziel, L.B.F., Fraticelli, A., Spencer, R.M.C. & McDermott, J.M. (In Press, Developmental Science). Napping Reduces Emotional Attention Bias During Early Childhood.
- Spencer, R.M.C., Campanella, C., de Jong, D.M., Desrochers, P., Root, H., Cremone, A., Kurdziel, L.B.F. (2016). Sleep and Behavior of Preschool Children Under Typical and Nap-Promoted Conditions. Sleep Health, 2(1), 35-41.
- de Jong, D.M., Cremone, A., Kurdziel, L.B.F., Desrochers, P., LeBourgeois, M., Sayer, A., Ertel, K., & Spencer, R.M.C. (In Press, Journal of Pediatric Psychology). Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Household Income in Relation to Sleep in Early Childhood.
- Cremone, A., de Jong, D.M., Kurdziel, L.B.F., Desrochers, P., Sayer, A., LeBourgeois, M., Spencer, R.M.C., & McDermott, J.M. (In Revision, Child Development). Temperamental Negative Affect, Sleep, and Behavior Problems During Early Childhood.
- Cremone, A., Lugo-Candelas, C.I., Harvey, E.A., McDermott, J.M., Spencer, R.M.C. (In Prep). REM Theta Activity Enhances Inhibitory Control in Typically Developing Children but not Children with ADHD Symptoms.
Research Areas
Behavioral Neuroscience,
Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience,
Developmental Science