Completing the PSU Membership Form

Please complete the PSU Amherst Membership Form - a fillable pdf.

Instructions For Completing the fillable PSU Membership Form

  1. This fillable application does not require you to print or scan—you may simply type your name into the signature lines and return it via email.
  2. Please complete the Personal Information section to the best of your ability—you can leave the Payment Information sections blank.
  3. On the Bargaining Unit line (under the line with PSU 754), please type in either Amherst or Boston (the campus that employs you).
  4. Please sign and date both signature lines. Again, simply typing in your name is fine.
  5. Return it to the PSU organizer:
    1. For UMass Amherst employees, send applications to Jonah Vorspan-Stein ( by attaching it to an email.
    2. For UMass Boston employees, send applications to Mary Jo Connelly ( by attaching it to an email.

Please note that you will not see dues deducted from your paycheck right away. You are considered a full union member upon submission, but actual dues payments will begin in the next several paychecks.

Dues are paid by biweekly payroll deductions: $35.68 for full-time employees, $28.76 for ¾ time employees, and $18.28 for ½ time employees.

FTE Status Total Biweekly Dues Deduction *For Comparison—most recent
PSU annual raise
Full-time (.81-1.00 FTE) $35.68 $221.50
Three-quarters Time (.51-.8 FTE) $28.76 $166.15
Half-Time (.50 FTE) $18.28 $110.75