The Professional Staff Union of the University of Massachusetts is a labor union local of professional staff and classified supervisors affiliated with the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) and the National Education Association (NEA), with members on the Amherst and Boston campuses of the University of Massachusetts.
We are organized into two chapters, one on each of the two campuses. Additionally, PSU represents two bargaining units. Unit A covers professional staff on both campuses, and Unit B covers classified supervisors on the Amherst campus.
Mission Statement
We, the Professional Staff and Classified Supervisors at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, are dedicated to supporting the dignity of the individual, the empowerment of workers, democracy, diversity, and the promotion of social justice.
We believe unions are the only vehicle to promote democracy in the workplace. The union’s mission is to empower members to participate in the decisions that affect our work life. This begins with the pursuit of fair wages and safe and humane working conditions, but also looks beyond conditions of employment in an effort to shape the University’s priorities and promote its mission. As a union of education workers we aspire to be a part of an educational institution that offers an affordable and high quality education in service to the public.
To this end, we are committed to setting and achieving the highest possible standards of communication, technical expertise, member participation and widespread involvement in the governance of the union. Whether it is an individual grievance, a contract negotiation or a political campaign, our union will wage a strong and principled fight for fairness and equity in public policy. The union is strengthened to the extent its members are empowered to participate in the defense of their own rights.
As part of the greater sisterhood and brotherhood of the organized labor movement, we share an historic commitment to diversity, social justice and economic democracy for all members of society – including the as yet unorganized.