Academic Personnel Action Deadlines

Academic Personnel Action Deadlines

The Office of the Provost has established, in accordance with the MSP collective bargaining agreement and the Academic Personnel Policy, the below deadlines for the processing of faculty personnel actions. Deadlines in bold are fixed deadlines that the Provost Office will not typically change from year to year. If a deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it is automatically extended to the next business day. Fixed deadlines can only be extended by approval of the Academic Personnel Office. Deadlines in italics for the Department Personnel Committee (DPC), Department Head/Chair, and College/School Personnel Committee (CPC/SPC) recommendations are suggestions only. Deans and Department Chairs should set their own deadlines for faculty personnel actions at their level so that college-level recommendations reach the Provost’s Office in a timely manner in accordance with the below schedule.  

A. Annual Faculty Report and Evaluation of Professional Activities(AFR) for the PREVIOUS ACADEMIC YEAR

October 15
Faculty member submits completed Annual Faculty Report and Evaluation of Professional Activities Form through APWS. 

October 30
Department Head/Chair uploads job description for NTT Faculty only.

December 15
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) advances AFRs with comments through APWS to the Department Head/Chair.

January 15
Department Head/Chair advances AFRs with comments through APWS back to faculty member.

May 1
Dean reviews AFRs in APWS and advances them to the Provost's Office.

B. Non-Tenure Track Promotions – all titles and ranks

First day of the spring semester
NTT Faculty members applying for promotion submit applications through APWS to the Department Head/Chair.

March 1
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) must advance through APWS their recommendations for promotion.

March 15
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS their recommendations to the college-level non-tenure track (NTT) review committee.

April 15
College-Level NTT review committees must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Dean.

July 1
Deans must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Provost.

C. Reappointment through Tenure Decision Year (4.2 review) appointment ends August of the next academic year

First two weeks of the spring semester before the review
Department Head/Chair must notify all members of their department who are scheduled for reappointment or tenure consideration that a review of their records will be made for the purpose of a personnel recommendation.

December 15
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Department Head/ Chair.

February 15
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS their recommendations to the CPC/SPC. 

March 15
College/School Personnel Committee must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Dean.
May 15
Deans must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Provost. 

August 15 (or the preceding business day)
Provost's Office must provide notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment of faculty members in their second or later year of service. If an appointment terminates during an academic year, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment must be given at least 12 months in advance of its termination.

D. Tenure and Promotion

During the first two weeks of the spring semester before the review
Department Head/Chair must notify all members of their department who are scheduled for reappointment or tenure consideration that a review of their records will be made for the purpose of a personnel recommendation.

May 1 of the year prior to the review
Faculty must submit all materials for external referees to review and fill out waiver of rights section in APWS. 

September 15 (of the tenure decision year)
Faculty must submit any remaining materials for inclusion in the basic file by the first week of the semester in which the review is to begin. 

October 15
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) must advance through APWS their recommendations for tenure with or without promotion to the Dept. Head/Chair.

November 1
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS their recommendations to the CPC/SPC. 

December 15
College/School Personnel Committee must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Dean.

February 1
Deans must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Provost. 

August 15 (or the preceding business day)
Faculty members must be notified of the award of tenure, or of one-year terminal appointments no later than this date.

E. Promotion (TT Faculty, not associated with Tenure)

June 1 of the year prior to the review
Faculty submit all materials for external referees to review and fill out waiver of rights section in APWS. Departments shall set the deadline to allow external referees adequate time to consider the case.

October 15
Faculty members applying for promotion to full Professor submit such applications through APWS to the Department Head/Chair.

December 15
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Department Head/Chair.

February 1
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS their recommendations to the CPC/SPC. 

April 1
College/School Personnel Committee must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Dean. 

June 1
Deans must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Provost.

July 15 or within 45 days of receiving dean's recommendation, whichever is later.
Provost must notify candidate of the decision.

F. Sabbatical Leaves Commencing During the Next Academic Year

October 1
Deadline for faculty to submit their sabbatical leave applications in APWS.
November 1
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS applications for sabbatical leave requests to the Dean.

November 15
Faculty who took sabbatical leave during one or both semesters of the PREVIOUS academic year must submit their sabbatical leave reports in APWS. 

January 15
Dean must advance through APWS all applications for sabbatical leave to the Provost's Office.

March 15
Provost's office notifies faculty members who are granted sabbatical leaves.
April 15
Deadline for faculty members to request cancellation or conversions of previously approved full-time sabbatical leave.

G. Non-Tenure Track Professional Development Fellowships Commencing in the Next Academic Year

September 15
Applications for Non-Tenure Track Professional Development Fellowships are available in APWS.
October 15
Faculty member submits application for fellowship in APWS.

November 15
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) recommendation due to the Dean.

December 15
Dean advances fellowship application through APWS to the Provost.

February 1
Provost's office notifies faculty of award of fellowship.

H. Periodic Multi-Year Review (PMYR)

February 1
Faculty members who are scheduled for Periodic Multi-Year Review during the academic year must submit review materials to the department head/chair.
March 15
Department Personnel Committee reviews PMYR reports and requests for funds.

May 1
Department Head/Chair must notify their faculty members who are scheduled for Periodic Multi-Year Review during the NEXT academic year.

August 15
Dean submits the college's Annual Periodic Multi-Year Reports (PMYRs) to the Provost's Office via OneDrive upload. The tracking spreadsheet must also be completed.

I. Non-Tenure Track Reappointments

For faculty members whose current appointments expire August of the current academic year:

Department Head/Chair recommendations due in deans' office for reappointment or non-reappointment of faculty members.

  • Second year of service: October 15
  • First year of service: January 15

Dean recommendations due in Provost's Office for reappointment or non-reappointment of faculty members.

  • Second year of service: November 15
  • First year of service: February 1

Department Head/Chair must send notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment

  • Second year of service: December 15*
  • First year of service: March 1**

*If an initial two-year appointment terminates during an academic year, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment must be given at least six months in advance of its termination.

**If an initial one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, notification of reappointment must be given at least three months in advance.

For faculty members whose current appointments expire in August of the NEXT academic year.  

Second or later year of service:

February 15
Department Head/Chair recommendations due in dean's office for reappointment of faculty members. 
May 1
Dean recommendations due in Provost's Office for reappointment of faculty members. 

August 15 (or the preceding business day)
Department Head/Chair must send notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment.

For faculty at less than 50% FTE:

Department Head/Chair must send notifications of reappointment or non-reappointment of appointment.

  • End Fall: December 1
  • End Spring: May 1

J. Non-Tenure Track Continuing Appointments - For Lecturers hired after September 1, 2022

By the first day of the spring semester
NTT Faculty members applying for continuing appointment submit applications through APWS.

March 15
Department Head/Chair must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Dean. 

May 1
Deans must advance through APWS their recommendations to the Provost.

August 15
Faculty member must be given written notice of non-reappointment or will be granted continuous appointment.

K. Leaves without Pay (Commencing during the NEXT Academic Year (either or both semesters)

December 15
Faculty member applications due in department offices.

January 15
Department Head/Chair recommendations due in deans’ offices.
February 15
Dean’s recommendation due in the Provost’s Office. 

April 15
Final date for faculty members to apply for cancellation of previously approved leaves without pay for either or both semesters. 

L. Other Important Dates

May 1
No offer of a fall appointment, commencing during the NEXT academic year, to tenure-track faculty members at another college or university should be made after this date without approval from the Provost (AAU standard).

May 15
Faculty members should not resign/retire after this date (AAU standard). 

June 1
New or replacement Department Chairs/Heads for the NEXT academic year should be appointed and updated rosters sent to Academic Personnel no later than this date.

September 15
Department and College Personnel Committees for the current academic year should be established and updated rosters sent to Academic Personnel no later than this date.

Attached Files