Other Faculty Benefits

Other Faculty Benefits

Chancellor's Computer Replacement Fund

For MSP bargaining unit members only: Bargaining unit members are eligible to apply for funds (up to $1,500) towards the purchase of a replacement computer or tablet. The program is administered once a year during the spring semester.  Funds are limited and are typically distributed in the spring semester.  All computers purchased under this program remain university property.  Applications for the program are submitted through the Academic Personnel Workflow System (APWS).

Change in Tenure Decision Year (TDY)

Pre-tenure faculty may apply for a change to their tenure-decision year in certain circumstances. For more information, please consult Section 6.2 of the Academic Personnel Policy (Red Book) and Article 27 in the MSP contract.

Childcare/Eldercare Assistance Program 

For MSP bargaining unit members only: This small pool of funds is designated to assist unit members with applicable childcare and eldercare expenses incurred during the previous calendar year. The program is administered at the start of each spring semester. Eligible faculty members receive an email when the application period opens, as well as a deadline to apply. Applications and supporting documentation shall be submitted via the Academic Personnel Workflow System (APWS). Successful applicants receive partial reimbursement of expenses by the end of the spring semester. Reimbursements are subject to regular taxes and withholdings. 

Phased Retirement Program

For MSP bargaining unit members only: Bargaining unit members in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) are eligible to participate in a phased retirement program. A  bargaining member may, for no less than two and no more than five years prior to separation from the university, reduce time to no less than 25% and no more than 50% time, with a corresponding reduction in salary and an agreed-upon definition of his/her reduced responsibilities. Learn more about the program’s effect on your benefits. You may apply for the Phase Retirement Program using the link below. 

Attached Files
Attachment Size
Phased Retirement Application 93.75 KB

Transition Fund Program

For MSP bargaining unit members only: The university has set aside a small pool of funds designed to assist new bargaining unit members with some costs associated with transitioning into their new position. The program is administered twice an academic year; once in the fall and once in the  spring.  Eligible faculty and librarians receive an invitation to apply via email. Successful applicants receive funds before the end of the respective semester.