April 5, 2024

The Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion, in collaboration with Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Assessment, Survey, and Effectiveness Research (ASER), will host the second Spring 2024 Classroom Equity Action Plan Faculty Forum from 3-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, on the first floor of Old Chapel.

All UMass Amherst faculty members engaged in Classroom Equity Action Plan work are encouraged to drop into the open forum at any time to share their unique perspectives and experiences and reflect on the faculty’s overall approach to teaching.

The forum will be an opportunity to hear from fellow faculty members and departments across campus about their progress, strategies and best practices that are working well. The goal is to assist each faculty member, department and college to improve equity, belonging and connectedness in the classroom.

Faculty members can also share challenges they are encountering, get advice and have questions answered by teams from ASER and CTL. Information and resources will also be shared in the plan’s Microsoft Teams channel.

Faculty may register here through the online form, which is currently open. For more information, visit the Classroom Equity Action Plans web page.