January 4, 2024

UMass Amherst, an institutional sponsor for the 12th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) National Conference, is offering funding assistance to 10 faculty members and graduate students to attend the four-day event in Virginia this spring.

The conference, hosted by Virginia Tech, provides indigenous women and women of color in higher education the opportunity to engage, learn and network with colleagues from around the country. This year’s conference will take place April 11-14 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington.

The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Graduate School, is offering funding assistance to five faculty members and five graduate students who are women of color to cover conference registration costs and a $1,200 stipend for travel and accommodations.

Those interested are encouraged to fill out the online application for funding by 5 p.m. on Feb. 2. For more information or questions, email the Office of the Provost at @email.