• “Rapid Electrostatic Capture of Rod-Shaped Particles on Planar Surfaces: Standing Up to Shear” M.K. Shave, A. Balciunaite, Z. Xu, M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 35, 13070-13077 (2019). Doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01871
• “Surfaces that Adhesively Discriminate Breast Epithelial Cell Lines and Lymphocytes in Buffer and Human Breast Milk” S. Kalasin, E.P., Browne, K.F. Arcaro, and M.M. Santore,* ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 16347-16356 (2019). Doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b03385
• “Mechanical Properties and Concentrations of Poly(ethylene glycol) in Hydrogels and Brushes Direct the Surface Transport of Staphylococcus aureus” K.W. Kolewe, S. Kalasin, M.K. Shave, J.D. Schiffman, and M.M. Santore*, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 320-330 (2019). Doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b18302 Awarded ACS Editors’ Choice.
• “Nanoscale Functionalized Particles with Rotation-Controlled Capture in Shear Flow” M.K. Shave, S. Kalasin, E. Ying, and M.M. Santore*, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 29058-29068 (2018). Doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b05328
• “Adsorbed Polyzwitterion Copolymer Layers Designed for Protein Repellency and Interfacial Retention” S. Kalasin, R.A. Letteri, T. Emrick, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir 33, 13708-13717 (2017). Doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7603391
• “Tunable Fluorescence Quenching Near the Graphene Aqueous Interface” A.W. Chen, A.L. Briseno, and M.M. Santore*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 506, 76-82 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.07.019
• “Evidence for Negative Charge Near Large Area Supported Graphene in Water: A Study of Silica Microsphere Interactions” A.W. Chen, B. Fang, H. Lee, A.L. Briseno, and M.M. Santore*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 492, 15-24 (2017).
• “Selective Adhesive Cell Capture without Molecular Specificity: New Surfaces Exploiting Nanoscopic Polycationic Features as Discrete Adhesive Units” S. Kalasin, E.P. Browne, K.F. Arcaro, and M.M. Santore*, RSC Advances 7(22), 13416-13425 (2017).
• “Near-Surface Motion and Dynamic Adhesion during Silica Microparticle Capture on a Polymer (Solvated PEG) Brush via Hydrogen Bonding” S. Kalasin, and M. M. Santore*, Macromolecules 49(1) 3334-343 (2016).
• “Surfaces for Competitive Selective Bacteria Capture from Protein Solutions” B. Fang, S. Gon, K. Nusslein, and M. M. Santore*, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7(19) 10275-10282 (2015).
• “Statistically-Based DLVO Approach to the Dynamic Interaction of Colloidal Microparticles with Topographically and Chemically Heterogeneous Collectors” M. Bendersky, M. M. Santore and J. M. Davis,* Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 449, 443-451 (2015).
• “Engineering Nanoscale Surface Features to Sustain Microparticle Rolling in Flow” S. Kalasin and M. M. Santore,* ACS Nano 9(5), 4706-4716 (2015).
• “Hybrid Copolymer-Phospholipid Vesicles: Phase Separation Resembling Mixed Phospholipid Lamellae but with Mechanical Stability and Control” D. Chen, and M. M. Santore,* Soft Matter 11, 2617-2626 (2015).
• “Antimicrobial Surfaces Containing Cationic Nanoparticles: How Immobilized, Clustered, and Protruding Cationic Charge Presentation Affects Killing Activity and Kinetics” B. Fang, Y. Jiang, K. Nusslein, V.M. Rotello, and M.M. Santore* Colloids and Surfaces B – Biointerfaces 125, 255-263 (2015).
• “Three Dimensional (Temperature-Tension-Composition) Phase Map of Mixed DOPC-DPPC Vesicles: Two Solid Phases and a Fluid Phase Coexist on Three Intersecting Planes” D. Chen, and M.M. Santore,* Biochemica and Biophysica Acta (BBA): Biomembranes 1838(11), 2788-2786 (2014).
• “DPPC –Rich Domain Formation in Binary Phospholipid Vesicle Membranes: Two Dimensional Nucleation and Growth” D. Chen, and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir 30(31), 9484-9493 (2014).
• “Capture of Soft Particles on Electrostatically Heterogeneous Collectors: Brushy Particles” Y. Wen, S. Kalasin, X. Guo, and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir 30(8), 2019-2027 (2014).
• “Large effect of membrane tension on the fluid-solid phase transitions of two-component phosphatidylcholine vesicles” D. Chen and M.M. Santore*, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S., 111(1), 179-184 (2014).
• “Easy come easy go: containing immobilized nanoparticles or isolated polycation chains facilitate removal of captured Staphylococcus aureus by retarding bacterial bond maturation” B. Fang, Y. Jiang, V.M. Rotello, K. Nusslein, and M.M. Santore*, ACS Nano, 8(2), 1180-1190 (2014).
• "How Bacteria Adhere to Brushy PEG Surfaces: Clinging to Flaws and Compressing the Brush"S. Gon, K.N. Kumar, K. Nusslein, and M.M. Santore*, Macromolecules, 45, 8373-8381 (2012).
• "Using Flow to Switch the Valency of Bacterial Capture on Engineered Surfaces Containing Immobilized Nanoparticles" B. Fang, S. Gon, M.H. Park, K.N. Kumar, V.M. Rotello, K. Nusslein, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 28, 7803-7810 (2012).
• "Sensitivity of Protein Adsorption to Architectural Variations in a Protein-Resistant Polymer Brush Containing Engineered Nanoscale Adhesive Sites" S. Gon and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 27, 15083-15091 (2011).
• "Interaction of Cationic Proteins and Polypeptides with Biocompatible Cationically-Anchored PEG Brushes" S. Gon, B. Fang, and M.M. Santore*, Macromolecules, 44, 8161-8168 (2011).
• "Depletion versus Deflection: How Membrane Bending Can Influence Adhesion" J. nam and M.M. Santore*, Physical Review Letters, 107, 078101 (2011).
• Bacterial Adhesion on Hybrid Cationic Brush Surfaces: Ionic Strength Tunes Capture from Monovalent to Multivalent Binding B. Fang, S. Gon, M. Park, K.-N. Kumar, V.M. Rotello, K. Nusslein, and M.M. Santore*, Colloids and Surfaces B: BioInterfaces, 87, 109-115 (2011).
• "Single Component and Selective Competitive Protein Adsorption in a Patchy Polymer Brush: Opposition between Steric Repulsions and Electrostatic Attractions " S. Gon and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 27, 1487-1493. (2011).
• "Particle Capture via Discrete Binding Elements: Systematic Variations in Binding Energy for Randomly Distributed Nanoscale Surface Features" S. Kalasin, S. Martwiset, E.B. Coughlin, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 26, 16865-16870 (2010).
• "Manipulating Protein Adsorption Using a Patchy Protein-Resistant Brush" S. Gon, M. Bendersky, J.L. Ross, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 26, 12147-12154 (2010).
• “The Role of Nano-Scale Heterogeneous Electrostatic Interactions in Initial Bacterial Adhesion from Flow: A Case Study with Staphylococcus aureas" S. Kalasin, J. Dabkowski, K. Nusslein, and M.M. Santore*, Colloids and Surfaces B: BioInterfaces, 76, 489-495 (2010).
• “Sustained Rolling of Microparticles in Shear Flow over an Electrostatically Patchy Surface” S. Kalasin and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir, 26, 2317-2324 (2010).
• "Non-Specific Adhesion on Biomaterial Surfaces Driven by Small Amounts of Protein Adsorption" S. Kalasin and M.M. Santore*, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 73, 229-236 (2009).
• "The Impact of Nanoscale Chemical Features on Micron-Scale Adhesion: Crossover from Heterogeneity-Dominated to Mean Field Behavior" R. Duffadar, S. Kalasin, J.M. Davis, and M.M. Santore*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 337, 396-407 (2009) .
• Invited Feature Article and Cover Kicking off Langmuir’s 25th Year: "Beyond Molecular Recognition: Tuning Interfacial Valency for Micron-Scale Specificity between Adhesive Surfaces" M.M. Santore*, J. Zhang, S. Srivastava, and V.M. Rotello, Langmuir, 25, 84-96 (2009).
• "Competitive Co-Adsorption Dynamics in Surfactant-Copolymer Formulations" P. B.-Y. Ofir, B. Zdyrko, and M.M. Santore*, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 2387-2394 (2009).
• "Manipulating Microparticles with Single Surface-Immobilized Nanoparticles" J. Zhang, S. Srivastava, R. Duffadar, J.M. Davis, V.M. Rotello, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 24, 6404-6408 (2008).
This article was highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology: http://www.nature.com/nnano/reshigh/2008/0608/full/nnano.2008.201.html
• "Adsorption of Copolymer Micelles and Aggregates: From Kinetics to Adsorbed Layer Structure" B. Zdyrko. P. B.-Y. Ofir, A.M. Alb, W.F. Reed, and M.M. Santore*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 322, 365-374 (2008).
• "Hydrodynamic Crossover in Dynamic Microparticle Adhesion on Surfaces of Controlled Nanoscale Heterogeneity" S. Kalasin and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir, 24, 4435-4438 (2008).
• "The Adhesion Kinetics of Sticky Vesicles in Tension: The Distinction between Spreading and Receptor Binding" J. Nam and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir, 23, 10650-10660 (2007).
• "Adhesion Plaque Formation Dynamics between Polymer Vesicles in the Limit of Highly Concentrated Binding Sites" J. Nam and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir, 23, 7216-7224 (2007).
• "Micrometer Scale Adhesion on Nanometer-Scale Patchy Surfaces: Adhesion Rates, Adhesion Thresholds, and Curvature-Based Selectivity" N. Kozlova and M.M. Santore,* Langmuir, 23, 4782-4791 (2007).
• "Fibrinogen Adsorption on Three Silica-based Surfaces: Conformation and Kinetics" A. Toscano, and M.M. Santore*, Langmuir. 22, 2588-2597 (2006).
• "Micron-Scale Adhesion Dynamics Mediated by Nanometer-Scale Surface Features" N. Kozlova and M. Santore,* Langmuir, 22(3), 1135-1142 (2006).
• "Dynamics in Adsorbed Homopolymer Layers: Understanding Complexity from Simple Starting Points" M.M. Santore*, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 10, 176-183 (2005).
• "Protein Spreading Kinetics at Liquid-Solid Interfaces via an Adsorption Probe Method" M.M. Santore*, and C.F. Wertz , Langmuir 21,10172-10178 (2005).
• "Polyelectrolyte Desorption and Exchange Dynamics near the Sharp Adsorption Cut-off " N. Hansupalak. and M. Santore*, Macromolecules 37(4), 1621-1629 (2004)
• "Sharp Polyelectrolyte Adsorption Cut-off Induced by Monovalent Salt " N. Hansupalak. and M. Santore*, Langmuir 19, 7423-7426 (2003).
• "The Influence of Charge Density and Coverage on Bound Fraction for a Weakly Cationic Polyelctrolyte Adsorbing on Silica" Y. Shin, J.E. Roberts. and M. Santore*, Macromolecules 35, 4090-4095 (2002).
• "Water Uptake Kinetics in PMMA Films Using a Fluorescent Rotor Probe" J.P. Goodelle, R.A. Pearson, and M. Santore*, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 86, 2463-2471 (2002).
• "The Effect of Surfactant on Unilamellar Polymeric Vesicles: Altered Membrane Properties and Stability in the Limit of Weak Surfactant Partitioning" M. Santore*, D.E. Discher , Y.Y. Won, F.S. Bates, D.A. Hammer, Langmuir, 18, 7299-7308 (2002).
• "Adsorption and Reorientation of Lysozyme on Hydrophobic Surfaces" C. Wertz and M. Santore, Langmuir 18, 1190-1199 (2002).
• "Dynamics in Adsorbed Layers of Associative Polymers in the Limit of Strong Backbone-Surface Interactions" Y. Huang and M. Santore*, Langmuir 18, 2158-2165 (2002).
• "Fibrinogen Adsorption on Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces: Geometrical and Energetic Aspects of Interfacial Relaxations " C. Wertz and M. Santore*, Langmuir, 18, 706-715 (2002).
• "The Relationship between Polymer / Substrate Charge Density and Charge Overcompensation by Adsorbed Polyelectrolyte Layers" Y. Shin, J.E. Roberts, and M. Santore*, J. Colloid Interface Science, 247, 220-230 (2002).
• "From Membranes to Melts, Rouse to Reptation: Diffusion in Polymersome versus Lipid Bilayer" C.M. Lee, M. Santore, F. Bates, and D. Discher, Macromolecules 35, 323-326 (2002).
• "The Influence of Charge Variation on the Adsorbed Configuration of a Model Cationic Oligomer onto Colloidal Silica" Y. Shin, J.E. Roberts and M. Santore*, J. Colloid Interface Science 244, 190-199 (2001).
• “The Energy Barrier to Self Exchange between PEO Adsorbed on Silica and in Solution” E. Mubarekyan and M. Santore, Macromolecules 34, 7504-7513 (2001).
• “Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity on Adsorption and Relaxation Kinetics of Albumin and Fibrinogen: Single Species and Competitive Behavior" C. Wertz and M. Santore, Langmuir 17, 3006-3016 (2001)
• “Influence of Molecular Weight and Layer Age on Self Exchange Kinetics for Saturated Layers of PEO in a Good Solvent” E. Mubarekyan and M. Santore, Macromolecules 34, 4978-4986 (2001).
• “Diffusion Limited Adsorption Kinetics of Polymer Layers Adsorbed at the Solid-Liquid Interface,” in Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, A. Hubbard and P. Somasundaran, eds.; Marcel Dekker Inc., NY. (2002), pp 1458-70.
• “Dynamics in Adsorbed Polymer Layers,” M. Santore, Z. Fu, and E. Mubarekyan in “Associative Polymers in Aqueous Solutions,” ed. J.E. Glass, ACS Symp. Ser. 765, 206-220, 2000.
• "Adsorption and Exchange Dynamics in Hydroxyethylcellulose Layers on Silica" E. Mubarekyan, and M. Santore, J. Colloid and Interface Sci, 227, 334-344 (2000).
• "Adsorption and Relaxation Kinetics of Albumin and Fibrinogen on Hydrophobic Surfaces: Single-Species and Competitive Behavior" C.F. Wertz, and M. Santore, Langmuir 15, 8884 - 8894 (1999).
• “Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects in Bridging Flocculation” M. M. Santore and H.D. Ou-Yang, Chapter 7, p 269-309, in Polymer Interfaces and Emulsions, K. Esumi, ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. 1999
• "The Effect of Layer Age and Interfacial Relaxations on the Self-Exchange Kinetics of Poly(ethylene oxide) Adsorbed on Silica" Z. Fu and M. M. Santore, Macromolecules, 32, 1939-1948 (1999).
• "Kinetics of Competitive Adsorption of PEO chains with Different Molecular Weights" Z. Fu and M. M. Santore, Macromolecules, 31, 7014-7022 (1998).
• "Competitive Adsorption of PEO Chains with and without Charged End Groups" Z. Fu and M. M. Santore, Langmuir, 14, 4300-4307, (1998).
• "The Kinetic Perspective on Polymer Adsorption Energetics" M.M. Santore and Z. Fu, Proceedings of the Adhesion Society, Savannah National Meeting (1998).
• "Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence" M.M. Santore in Colloid-Polymer Interactions: From Fundamentals to Practice, Farinato and Dubin, eds. J. Wiley, New York, 1999, p 365 - 384.
• "Diffusion Controlled Phenomena in Adsorbed Polymer Dynamics" M.M. Santore in Colloid-Polymer Interactions: From Fundamentals to Practice, Farinato and Dubin, eds. J. Wiley, New York, 1999, p 127 - 146.
• "Characterization of Polystyrene Latex Surfaces by the Adsorption of Rhodamine 6G" E. Mubarekyan, and M. M. Santore, Langmuir, 14, 1597-1603 (1998).
• "Evolution of Layer Density and Thickness during PEO Adsorption on Silica" Z. Fu, and M. M. Santore, Langmuir, 13, 5779-81 (1997).
• "Direct Measurement of Molecular-Weight Driven Competition during Polymer Adsorption"
M. M. Santore and Z. Fu, Macromolecules 30, 8516 (1997).
• "Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Adsorption onto Chemically-Etched Silicates by Brewster Angle Reflectivity" Z. Fu, M. M. Santore, Colloids and Surfaces A Physchem Eng. Asp, 135, 63-75 (1998).
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