Greg Grason
Room: A316, Conte Research Center
University of Massachusetts Amherst
120 Governors Drive
Amherst, MA 01003
More Information
Current Research
Our research explores the role of geometric frustration in soft matter and polymeric assemblies through the combined lens of condensed matter theory, statistical physics and differential geometry. In assemblies, frustration arises from interactions between molecular or particulate “building blocks” that favor geometrically incompatible patterns of order. Counterintuitively, frustration often leads to self-organized states that are more exquisitely structured, and more robustly controlled, than their canonical, unfrustrated counterparts. Our research targets a basic question that cuts across condensed matter physics, materials science and biology: how can the self-organization of identical, locally-interacting sub-units yield structures that are regulated at size scales much bigger than those units?
Topics of recent and ongoing interest include:
- Complex structure in filamentous matter
- Chirality and hierarchical structure of block copolymers phases
- Curvature-controlled assembly in membranes and at interfaces
- Engineering geometrically-frustrated assembly by design
Research Interests
Theory soft matter and polymeric assemblies
Degree Information
B. A. Physics, University of Pennsylvania, 2000
Ph. D. Physics, University of Pennsylvania, 2005
Curriculum Vitae
Honors and Distinctions
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- Sloan Research Fellowship
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Editorial Advisory Board, New Journal of Physics and GIANT