The Department awards a limited number of $2,500 summer research and writing grants each year. These are intended to free up significant student time in the summer so they can devote their time to scholarship rather than employment. If the awardee wishes, the funds can be used to directly support research (e.g., data collection, travel for fieldwork, software and equipment purchases). However, it may also be used simply as supplemental income to support intensive writing. Students should be prepared to commit at least 20hrs/wk of work on their summer research and writing.
Awardees must present their completed research to the department in the fall.
Application deadline: March 15
Application Requirements:
Summer research and writing grant applications must include:
b) a 1-2 page research proposal
c) a plan for executing the research within the period of a summer
d) a biographical sketch that describes the student’s credentials in completing this work and how this project fits within the student’s broader research agenda
e) a letter of endorsement from a faculty member who agrees to attend and comment on a research presentation in the fall.
Selection criteria:
The applications will be evaluated according to the quality of the proposal, intellectual promise, likelihood of success, the student’s satisfactory progress and research trajectory, and the letter of endorsement.
Preference will be given to those students who have not previously or concurrently received an award.
The Graduate Studies Committee will review all applications and announce awards by April 1.