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SOL Guidelines for Post Year 5 Students

  1. The graduate school mandates a limit of 5 years past candidacy for completion and defense of their dissertation.  Students who exceed that limit will face termination of their candidacy.
  2. Department of political science doctoral students should normally complete their dissertation within 9 years of beginning the program; exceptions will be made only when there are extenuating circumstances.
  3. In the interest of supporting students’ timely progress, dissertation chairs and committee members will be expected to offer prompt feedback (on the order of 2 weeks), subject to prior notification, for dissertation related materials which students wish to be evaluated, as well as being available to students for guidance, mentoring and the like.
  4. Every year after their 5th year in the program students’ progress will be appraised at the annual Satisfactory Progress meeting.  Students will be asked a month in advance to submit a statement about their progress over the past year, including copies of their prospectus, table of contents and any completed draft chapters. 
  5. Students will receive feedback from the GPD about their progress.