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Study abroad is one of the best ways to internationalize and broaden a college education. There are over 400 UMass Amherst-sponsored programs in more than 50 countries around the world. 

Study abroad is managed by the International Programs Office (IPO). 

How to explore:


Course Approval: Once you have decided on a study abroad institution and are looking at courses, please schedule an appointment with Adrian Grace, Director of Undergraduate Advising via Navigate (select "Study Abroad (ICAF)" for the service type). You will need pre-approval for any classes you hope to fulfill a major requirement. This includes the Global Law & Society (GL&S) section for Legal Studies majors. Prior to the meeting, please email the following information to @email :

  • Course Approval Form: Complete the International Course Approval Form (ICAF) for study abroad courses.
  • Course Descriptions: For each course that may be taken, please copy & paste the course title and description into the email.
  • Your Plan: How you would like to use the courses you will take to fulfill your major requirements.

Financial Aid: The study abroad advising center is available to answer your questions about education abroad finances

IT Information: To stay connected to UMass applications, install the Microsoft authenticator and you should not encounter issues. If you will be using a different phone number, you can add a new phone number to your account as well. We want you to be able to stay connected!  


Talk to your Advisors

Your Legal Studies Advising Team is always ready to help you. Let us know you are interested in studying abroad. We can help you plan, map out your semesters, think about timing, and discuss which classes need to be taken on campus and those that can be taken away. To meet with an academic advisor, make an appointment in Navigate.