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What can you do with a major in legal studies? The simplest answer is anything you want. A legal studies major provides you with the critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and writing skills necessary to succeed in a wide variety of career paths. After graduation, our students pursue grad school, begin their career, and engage in volunteering/service.

The focus of Legal Studies is to help students become informed, active, well-rounded, critical thinkers about law and society. Modern society is increasingly dominated by law and legal consciousness, and legal literacy is important for many careers. Because the Legal Studies major hones students’ critical thinking, conflict resolution, and oral and written communication skills, Legal Studies graduates are well-trained for a wide array of careers. While some of our students attend law school, Legal Studies alumni also go into careers in mediation, court administration, law enforcement, government, public interest, business, and education. Legal Studies is useful preparation for graduate work in such fields as political science, psychology, history, anthropology, natural sciences, journalism, economics, or sociology.


Searching for a career will take time and research. Some resources can be found by watching the introductory video below and on our Internships & Career.  If you need additional support, contact the SBS Career Advisors.



If you are considering a stand-alone master’s, a UMass 4+1 accelerated master’s, or a PhD program, you will want to connect with UMass faculty and administrative staff in those programs. You will need to prepare a writing sample, letters of recommendation, and possibly the GRE (UMass 4+1 program does not require the GRE). The short video below has more information.



UMass has a designated pre-law advisor, Diane Curtis. The pre-law advising webpage has a wealth of information. Please sign up for the mailing list where you can find out about events and additional resources.