Thompson 514

Degree: Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1986)

Area of Study: International relations

Expertise: international environmental cooperation

Program: Political Science


My research interests include international relations, international relations theory, international political economy, international environmental politics, international institutions, the science-policy interface,  and global governance.

I am currently developing a research project on global issue coupling and global governance.  I am currently a member of the editorial boards of  Global Environmental Politics, Earth System Governance,  and the MIT Press book series Politics, Science and the Environment.

Google Scholar

Peter M. Haas' Google Scholar profile is available here.


2009 Karl Deutsch Visiting Professor, Wissenschafszentrum Berlin Germany

2004 UMASS  TEACHnology Grant

2003 Peace and World Security Studies Program, Hampshire College, Curriculum Development Grant

2001 Peace and World Security Studies Program, Hampshire College, Curriculum Development Grant


Peter M. Haas “Epistemic Communities” in Joel Krieger ed. The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics Vol 1 Oxford: Oxford University Press pp 351-359, 2013. 

Peter M. Haas. “The Political Economy of Ecology: Prospects for Transforming the World Economy at Rio Plus 20” Global Policy 3:1 pp 94-101, 2012. 

Peter M. Haas. “Addressing the Global Governance Deficit” Global Environmental Politics Vol 4 No 4 pp 1-19, 2004. 

Peter M. Haas. "Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination" International Organization Vol. 46 No. 1 Winter, pp. 1-37, 1992. reprinted in Kirton, John J. ed (2009) International Organization Aldershot: Ashgate

Peter M. Haas. "Conclusion: Epistemic Communities, World Order, and the Creation of a Reflective Research Program" with Emanuel Adler, International Organization Vol. 46 No. 1 Winter, pp. 367-390, 1992. 

Peter M. Haas, John Gerard Ruggie, Philippe Schmitter and Antje Wiener “New Introduction” in Ernst B. Haas Beyond the Nation State European Consortium for Political Research pp 1-16. 

Peter M. Haas, “Environment: Pollution” in P.J. Simmons and Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, eds., Managing a Globalized World, Carnegie Foundation, pp. 310-353, 2001.

Peter M. Haas. "Do Regimes Matter? Epistemic Communities and Mediterranean Pollution Control" International Organization, Summer, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 377-403, 1989.

Peter M. Haas. “Epistemic Communities and Policy Knowledge” in The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences reprinted in 2nd edition, 2001.

Controversies in Globalization, CQ Press, 2009, edited  with John Hird, and Beth McBratney.

International Environmental Governance, Ashgate, 2008, edited.

Global Environmental Governance, Island Press, 2006, with Gus Speth.

Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance, UNU Press, 2004, edited. with Norichika Kanie.


Undergrad:  Globalization & Governance (PolSci 252); International Environmental Politics (PolSci 253); International Political Economy (PolSci 359).

Graduate:  Proseminar in International Relations; International Environmental Governance; Globalization & Governance.