Thompson 520

Office Hours:
Mon./Wed. 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Ph.D Statistics and Public Policy, M.S. Statistics (Carnegie Mellon); M.S. Mathematics (Salem State University); A.B. Latin American Studies (Brown University)

Graduation Year: 2010

Expertise:  Political communication (mass media & social media); ideologies; statistical methods; content analysis

Program:  Political Science


My research interests include U.S. and comparative ideologies, political communication in mass and social media, public opinion, and the intersection of identity and political beliefs. I have worked on methodological problems in measurement, text analysis, and network analysis, but I am especially interested in methods that put statistical and computational tools to use in service of our ability to achieve rich qualitative insights. I have published work in the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political SciencePublic Opinion Quarterly, and several other journals and edited volumes.

My current research focus is on U.S. opinion elites (media activists and politicians) and their appeals to core values and principles in framing political arguments. More generally, I am interested in the role of ideas in connecting political elites and the ideologically engaged public. I draw on scholarship by historians, social psychologists, and mass media & communication scholars, in addition to work by those who study political behavior and identities.