Student Union Building Policy

Catalog Number

Students, Staff, Faculty, and Visitors


​Defines authority and process for operational procedures of the Student Union Building


​General authority for the establishment of operational procedures for the Student Union Building is the responsibility of the Student Union Management Board (SUMB) with ultimate approval vested in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life. The SUMB and Student Union staff reserve the right to establish operational policies for use within the Student Union by various types of groups and/or individuals. Policy exception requests should be referred to the Student Union Management Board. All university policies apply equally to the Student Union Building. 

Policy Manager
Johnny Tooson, Exec Dir Studnt Engage/Leader
Contact Name
Sid Ferreira
Contact Title
Special Asst to VC Student Affairs
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
Approval Authority
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life
Executive Unit
Student Affairs and Campus Life