Below find information about the UMPD Community/Police Advisory Board and its Bylaws. Posted 3-29-2023.
Community/Police Advisory Board
The Chancellor’s Safety Council will be reconstituted as the Community/Police Advisory Board and given a broader charge to make recommendations on safety, police matters, etc. to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Campus Life. The Board will consist of four undergraduates to be appointed by the SGA President (through the usual SGA process), two graduate students to be appointed by the GSS President (through the usual GSS process), three faculty members to be appointed by the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Campus Life, the Dean of Students, the Chief of Police, and the Director of Housing and Residential Life.
The charge to the Board will include improving police-community communications (e.g., methods for informing students of police policies related to the residence halls) and providing advice and recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Campus Life regarding general campus safety, changes in policing policies, community complaint processes, etc. The Board will draft “by-laws” for itself, to be approved by the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Campus Life.
UMPD Community/Police Advisory Board Bylaws
The name of the organization will be the Community/Police Advisory Board.
To make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Campus Life on improving campus safety, police-community communications, changes in police policies and the citizens’ complaint processes.
- Chief of Police, Chair
- Four (4) undergraduates appointed by SGA President through the normal SGA process
- Two (2) graduates appointed by GSS President through the normal GSS process
- Three (3) faculty members appointed by Secretary of the Faculty Senate
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Campus Life
- Dean of Students
- Director of Housing & Residential Life
- Make-up established in agreement
One per semester or ad hoc as needed, after conversation with Chair
Committee structure will be established as needed.