The physical needs of UMass clients often change as the education, research and engagement functions of departments adapt to best practices in higher education. You may start a project when renovation work is necessary, when a room changes its primary use, when new hires need an office or a lab, or when the activities you conduct don't match the space available for a department.
Use the Start Your Project button below to request planning, design or construction services related to non-emergency maintenance, renovation or new construction work.
Use the Space Request button below to make a space request. Requests submitted by somebody other than the Department Chair/Director and lacking approval of the appropriate Associate Dean/Assistant Vice Chancellor will not be considered.
All new project requests submitted will be reviewed by the University’s Facilities & Campus Services (F&CS) Intake Team on a weekly basis. The initial review by the Intake Team will be to route your request to the appropriate F&CS Department for further review.
Any new project requests directed towards Campus Development or Alterations from the wider F&CS Intake meetings will be reviewed on a weekly basis in greater detail as outlined in the flow chart below to ensure that the request has adequate information regarding potential scope, schedule & funding requirements prior to a request being approved to proceed and assigned to a Project Manager.