Frequently Asked Questions
How do I provide feedback on a Campus project?
- Please contact us by email at @email or call 413-545-1383.
How do I submit a request for a project?
- Please refer to our “How to” webpage covering project requests for more information.
I work for a design firm (architectural or engineering firm). How do I get involved with work on Campus?
- Please refer to our “How to for Designers" webpage for more information.
I am a contractor. How do I get involved with work on Campus?
- Please refer to our “How to for Contractors and Vendors" webpage for more information.
If the project is minor and / or my department is funding the work, can my department hire our own contractor?
- No. Any construction or alteration to University property must go through the Facilities & Campus Services Work Request process to allow for consideration of potential impacts on building systems, permitting requirements, potential hazardous materials such as asbestos, compliance with state procurement laws, and alignment with the University goals and mission.
Where can I get a copy of the current Campus Design & Construction Standards/Guidelines?
- Please refer to the Resources section for Design Standards information.
Why are projects so costly and take so much time?
- It is tempting to compare a campus renovation project to renovations you might make to your home. However, public institutional construction is very different from residential renovations. Our team takes special care to ensure that each project will meet your needs while conforming to University and state requirements. Key factors include state requirements for design, procurement, building codes, hazardous materials, accessibility, prevailing wage, and energy efficiency. Due to the age of our buildings, additional infrastructure upgrades are often required.