We provide high quality services to our campus clients by working with designers, contractors and other service providers.

All vendors (contractors, designers, consultants, etc.) working with us must register with the UMass Unified Procurement Services Team, who manage eligibility, invoicing and payment.  

Click below to view a list of UMass Amherst criteria for the design and construction of campus facilities and landscape

The following information explains how UMass Amherst handles designer procurement for Campus projects based on the type of project, funding and/or the size of the project budget.  The University follows all public procurement laws as briefly described below , regardless of which procurement approach is used.  For a more complete context of public procurement, please review the Regulatory Compliance section of our Services page.

There are also opportunities to get involved on projects other than as the lead design firm. You can partner with another firm for a particular Requests for Proposal as a subconsultant. For example, the mechanical/electrical house doctor contracts that UMass Amherst uses on MEP-focused projects require those house doctors to include an architect on their subconsultant teams.  The subconsultant role is often a good way for firms to get their feet wet on our projects.