The following information is in regards to how UMass Amherst handles construction procurement for Campus projects. It occurs several different ways depending on the type of project, funding, and/or the cost estimate for a project. Regardless of what procurement approach used, as a state entity, the University follows all public procurement laws as outlined in the tables & brief text below.

Very Small Campus Campus-Funded Building Construction Projects Under $10K
The University will solicit proposals from contractors as needed per requirements noted in the table above.
Small Campus-Funded Building Construction Projects Up to $50K in Labor & $150K in Total
Some construction projects with estimates including no more than $50K in labor and $150K in total cost may be procured by requesting price quotes through On-Call Service Contracts that the University procures publicly for use as needed on various small projects. The University’s Facilities Management Division manages the procurement of on-call service contracts and typically maintains more than one contractor in each of the contract categories. The University may also procure construction contracts via the other methods outlined in the table above on an individual project basis. Both the individual project procurements and the on-call service contracts are handled by the University’s Unified Procurement Services Team (UPST). Refer to their website for additional information and to access procurement opportunities at
Campus-Funded Building Projects Over $150K Up to $250K
The University will publicly procure sealed bids per the requirements in the table above. These project bids are handled by UPST. Refer to their website for additional information and to access procurement opportunities at
Campus-Funded Building Projects Over $250K Up to $10M
The University will publicly procure sealed bids per the requirements in the table above. The UPST team sets up the bids that are hosted by BidDocs Online on their website,
Projects Greater than $10M & Campus and/or UMass Building Authority (UMBA) Funding (Borrowed Money)
Our office will work with UMBA on procurement of bids under MGL 149 or soliciting construction managers under MGL 149A.
For public bidding of projects under MGL 149 and/or filed trade bidding under MGL 149A, the UMBA also utilizes BidDocs Online to host the bids on
For the construction manager procurement process, the UMBA will post solicitations via their website,
Projects Greater than $10M & State Funding
Our office will work with the State’s Division of Capital Management & Maintenance (DCAMM) on the procurement process. DCAMM will manage the public procurement/bidding process for any of these projects and additional information can be found via their website,

Very Small Campus Campus-Funded Non-Building Construction Projects Under $10K
The University will solicit proposals from contractors as needed per requirements as noted in the table above.
Small Campus-Funded Non-Building Construction Projects Up to $50K in Labor & $150K in Total
Some construction projects with estimates including no more than $50K in labor and $150K in total cost may be procured by requesting price quotes through On-Call Service Contracts that the University procures publicly for use as needed on various small projects. The University’s Facilities Management Division manages the procurement of on-call service contracts and typically maintains more than one contractor in each of the contract categories. The University may also procure construction contracts via the other methods outlined in the table above for an individual project basis. Both the individual project procurements and the on-call service contracts are handled by the University’s Unified Procurement Services Team (UPST). Refer to their website for additional information and to access procurement opportunities at
Campus-Funded Building Projects Over $150K
The University will publicly procure sealed bids per the requirements in the table above. These projects bids are handled by UPST. Refer to their website for additional information and to access procurement opportunities at
Larger Projects that Involve the UMass Building Authority (UMBA)
Our office will work with UMBA on procurement of bids under MGL 30/39M. UMBA also utilizes BidDocs Online to host these bids on
Larger Projects that Involve DCAMM
Our office will work with the State’s Division of Capital Management & Maintenance (DCAMM) on the procurement process. DCAMM will manage the public procurement/bidding process for any of these projects and additional information can be found via their website,
Procurement Through Available State Massachusetts Higher Education consortium (MHEC) Contracts
The University can utilize current available State or MHEC Contracts to procure various materials, furniture, fixtures, and equipment that may be needed for a particular project.
Vendors interested in getting more information about State Contracts should visit the Massachusetts Operational Services Division (OSD) website,
Vendors interested in getting more information about MHEC Contracts should visit their website,
Other Non-Contract Based Procurement Options
The University can also run public procurements (solicit proposals and/or sealed bids) for individual project procurement needs pursuant to the following table depending on the estimate cost of the item(s) being procured: