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Society of Physics Students

The Society of Physics Students is the endeavor for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of physics throughout our academic and local community, with emphasis on the development of undergraduate students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who major or maintain interest in the study of physics. Furthermore, the Society strives to engender a coterie among physics centered students and the professional community as a whole.

Learn more about UMass SPS

Women+ in Physics

Women+ in Physics (W+iP) group strives to provide professional development and community building opportunities to women and gender minorities in the Physics department. Towards this effort, we organize multiple social gatherings and professional development events. Some of our events this year have been application sessions for Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), bracelet making with course registration Q&A, and robotics nights. We welcome all women and gender minorities in the department to join our group.

Join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram @umasswip to keep informed about our upcoming events. If you are interested in joining the core group to help plan and organize these events, please let us know here.

Get involved and join the W+iP mailing list

UMass Science Outreach Club

The UMass Science Outreach Club was founded in 2011 by UMass students who wanted to make a difference in the Amherst community and surrounding areas. Nearly nine years later we are so proud to continue the legacy and spark a curiosity and love of science for elementary age students. Most of our experiments are physics based, but we've done shows that focus on everything from weather to optics to gravity, and so much more! While we specialize in children's shows, we have also performed at nursing homes and UMass science-based events, and for the past two years we have had the privilege of performing at WaterFire Festival in Providence, Rhode Island!

Learn more about UMass Science Outreach

University of Massachusetts Amherst Science Olympiad

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Science Olympiad (UMASO) is a student-run organization based in Amherst. Our mission is to attract high school students to STEM by working year-round to host an annual, hands-on Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament in the New England area for a diverse set of competing teams.

Learn more about UMASO