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Physics Community Organization (PCO)

The Physics Community Organization (PCO) aims to foster community within the physics department. PCO is run by graduate students, for graduate students, and encourages connections among students from different entrance years, research areas, and cultures. We aspire to make the UMass Amherst Physics Department a welcoming and collaborative environment for all graduate students.

PCO Head—Andrew Toler
PCO Committee Members—Robert Keane, Dyson Kennedy, Catherine McCarthy, Joanna Wuko

Women+ in Physics (W+iP)

University of Massachusetts Amherst Women+ in Physics logo

The Women+ in Physics (W+iP) group strives to provide professional development and community building opportunities to women and gender minorities in the Physics department. Towards this effort, we organize multiple social gatherings and professional development events. Some of our events this year have been application sessions for Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), bracelet making with course registration Q&A, and robotics nights. We welcome all women and gender minorities in the department to join our group.

Join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram @umasswip to keep informed about our upcoming events. If you are interested in joining the core group to help plan and organize these events, please let us know here.

a gathering of the W+iP group

Ongoing Community Events