As of August 2021, 172 individuals had received PhDs in philosophy from UMass over the program’s history. Of the 72 who completed their degrees in 2000 or later, to the best of our knowledge, 61 have sought academic positions after completing their degrees. Of these 61, 55 (90.1%) were successfully placed in academic positions. Of those who have had their degree five years or more (those finishing between 2000 and 2016), 40 of 45 (88.9%) now hold long-term academic positions (tenure track positions or similar).

(We use the following abbreviations throughout: T: tenured or equivalent; TT: tenure-track or equivalent; L: VAP or equivalent (fixed-term, full-time non-tenure track position); SL: senior lecturer or equivalent (permanent, full-time non-tenure track position); Adj: part-time, non-tenure track position or equivalent; Admin: administrative position in an academic institution.)

Year Name Current Position First Position (if different)
2022 Juvshik, Tim Middlebury College (TT) Clemson University (L)
2022 Koon, Justis Texas Tech (L) Trinity College (L)
2022 Mooney, Justin College of the Holy Cross (TT) Dennison (L)
2022 O'Rourke-Friel, Molly Ursinus College (TT)  
2021 Soland, Kim University of Kansas (TT) University of Kansas (L)
2021 Liu, Haoying Fudan University (TT)  
2020 Daventry, Andréa California State University Bernardino (TT) Western Carolina University (L)
2020 Chen, Lu USC (TT) Koç University (TT)
2020 Cox, Donovan Nazarbayev University (L) University of Hartford (Adj)
2020 Dixon, Jonathan Wake Forest University (Adj)  
2019 Gibbs, Cameron NIA Grand Valley State University (L)
2019 Robison, John Indiana University (L)  
2019 Webster, Hayley Pursuing law degree (Oxford)  
2018 Liu, Pengbo Bentley University (L)  
2018 Ferrier, Edward Richmond College (L) Boise State University (L)
2018 Fitts, Jesse University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (L) University of Nevada, Las Vegas (L)
2017 Cassell, Lisa University of Maryland, Baltimore County (TT) University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Post-Doc)
2017 Gruber, Robert Springfield College (TT)  
2017 Robison-Greene, Rachel Utah State University (TT) Utah State (Post-Doc)
2017 Tucker, Miles Virginia Commonwealth University (TT) Virginia Commonwealth University (L)
2016 Binkoski, Jim Dartmouth College (SL)  
2016 DiPaolo, Josh California State University Fullerton (T) Kansas State University (L); California State University Fullerton (TT)
2016 Peterson, Bailie University of Northern Colorado (T) University of Northern Colorado (TT)
2016 Oliveira, Luis University of Houston (T) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (L); University of Houston (TT)
2015 Olsen, Kristian Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (Admin) University of New Hampshire (Post-Doc)
2014 Furey, Heidi Manhattan College (T) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (PL); Manhattan College (TT)
2014 van der Gaast, Brandt Utrecht University (TT) Auburn University (L)
2014 Hill, Scott University of Colorado Boulder (L) Auburn University (L)
2013 Knight, Casey DNS Alaskan Deep Sea Fisherman
2013 Friesen, Lowell Booth University College (L) University of Winnipeg (L)
2011 Cowling, Sam Denison University (T) Denison University (TT); Western Michigan University (L)
2011 Cushing, Jeremy University of Delaware (Adj)  
2011 Krakauer, Barak Data Scientist University of California, Santa Cruz (Adj)
2010 Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer Birkbeck College, London (T) University of Kent (T); University of Copenhagen (Post-Doc)
2010 Bhattacharjee, Indrani Azim Premji University, Bangalore TT
2010 Dunn, Jeffrey DePauw University (T)  
2010 Kim, Namjoong Gyeongsang University, South Korea (T)  
2010 Platt, Andrew Stony Brook University (TT) St Cloud State (L)
2009 Bohn, Einar University of Agder (T) University of Oslo (Post-Doc)
2009 Doviak, Dan Muhlenberg College (T) Muhlenberg College (TT)
2009 Klocksiem, Justin New Mexico State (T) University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa (L)
2009 Kosciuk, Christopher Suffolk County Community College (TT)  
2009 Masto, Meghan Lafayette College (T) Lafayette College (TT)
2009 Michaelian, Kirk Université Grenoble-Alpes (T) University of Otago, New Zealand (T); Institut Jean-Nicod (Post-Doc); Bilkent University (TT)
2009 Sarch, Alexander University of Surrey (T) Law school; University of Southern California (Post-Doc)
2009 Trogdon, Kelly Virginia Tech (T) Lingnan University (TT)
2008 Leibowitz, Uri Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (T) University of Nottingham (TT); Cornell College (L); University of Colorado at Boulder (L)
2008 Rubin, Michael University of Western Australia (TT) TT
2008 Torre, Stephan University of Aberdeen (T) Oriel College, Oxford (Post-Doc); University of Barcelona (Post-Doc)
2006 Hine, Kristen Towson University (T) Towson University (TT)
2006 Lascano, Marcy University of Kansas (T) California State University at Long Beach (T); Colby College (L)
2006 Raibley, Jason University of Kansas (T) California State University at Long Beach (T); Colby College (L)
2005 Bell, Tom Practicing Attorney Law school (DNS)
2005 Heathwood, Chris University of Colorado (T) University of Colorado (TT)
2005 Lukas, Mark Longwood University (T) Longwood University (TT)
2004 McDaniel, Kris University of Notre Dame (T) Syracuse University (T); Syracuse University (TT)
2004 Rosental, Creighton Mercer University (T) Mercer University (TT)
2004 Senn, Scott Longwood University (TT)
2003 Griffith, Meghan Davidson College (T) n/a
2003 Leighton, Kim American University (TT) Cornell University (L)
2003 Susse, Jennifer NIA Michigan State University (TT)
2003 Vessel, Jean-Paul New Mexico State University (T) University of Masssachusetts, Amherst (L); New Mexico State University (TT)
2002 Berkich, Don Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (T) Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (TT)
2001 Moon, Kevin George School (private HS), Head of Math Department n/a
2000 Kaufman, Dan University of Colorado (T) University of Florida (TT)
2000 Wielenberg, Erik DePauw University (T) n/a
1999 Bardon, Adrian Wake Forest University (T) n/a
1999 Bradley, William (Ben) Syracuse University (T) Virginia Polytechnic Institute (L); Western Washington University (L)
1999 Sayson, Ciriaco University of Philippines (T) n/a
1999 Sushinsky, Mary Pro Education Group (Educational Consulting) n/a
1999 Theriault, Henry Charles Worcester State University (T) n/a
1998 Beall, JC University of Notre Dame (T) University of Connecticut (T), University of Tasmania (TT)
1998 LaPorte, Joseph Hope College (T) n/a
1998 Moore, Eric Longwood University (T) n/a
1998 Schaefer, Neil University of California at Santa Cruz (L) University of California at Santa Cruz (L)
1998 Yeh, Joseph Lake Forest College (T)
1997 Denby, David Tufts University (SL) Suffolk University (L)
1997 Eberle, Christopher US Naval Academy (T) n/a
1997 Fryc, Thomas Utica College (TT) n/a
1997 Kervick, Daniel n/a n/a
1997 Macdonald, Amie John Jay College (T) Hamilton College (TT)
1997 Melkonian, Markar Cal State Northridge (L) n/a
1997 Rice, Douglas Center on Budget and Policy Priorities UMass Boston (L)
1997 Rini, Adriane Massey University (T) n/a
1996 Adkins, Karen Regis College (T) n/a
1996 Barnbaum, Deborah Kent State University (T) University of New Hampshire (L)
1996 Feit, Neil SUNY Fredonia (T) Western Washington University (L)
1996 Goddu, Geoffrey University of Richmond (T) n/a
1996 Litch, Mary Director of Academic Technology and Digital Media at Chapman University n/a
1996 Mazumdar, Rinita Central New Mexico Community College (T) n/a
1996 Nagel, Mechthild SUNY Cortland (T) Mankato State (L)
1996 Rayher, Edward Proprietor, Swamp Press n/a
1996 Reid, Heather Morningside College (T) n/a
1996 Tessman, Lisa SUNY Binghamton (T) Mount Holyoke College (L); University of New Hampshire, Durham (TT)
1996 Costello, Daniel Canadian Ambassador to the European Union n/a
1985 Austin, David North Carolina State (T) Willamette University (TT)
1995 McLeod, Owen Lafayette College (T) Yale University (L)
1994 Davidson, Jack Texas Lutheran University (T) n/a
1993 Cruz Cortés, Raúl Armando University of Puerto Rico (T) n/a
1993 Hughes, Cheryl Wabash College (T) Wabash College (TT)
1993 Sider, Ted Rutgers University (T) University of Rochester (TT)
1993 Sullivan, Thomas Lassell College (T) Babson College (Director of Spiritual Life)
1992 Black, Andrew University of Missouri at St. Louis (T) Southern Illinois University (TT)
1992 Curran, Angela Kansas State University n/a
1992 Silva de Choudens, José n/a n/a
1991 Cowles, David Practicing Attorney Arizona State University (TT)
1991 Dodson, Kevin Lamar College (T) Lamar College (TT)
1991 Johnson, David Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (T) n/a
1991 Kaufman, Cynthia De Anza College (T) n/a
1991 Leaman, George Director, Philosophy Documentation Center n/a
1991 Pienknagura Erdstein, Alex Broward College (L)  
1991 Shea, Nancy University of Wyoming, Gender and Women's Studies (L) n/a
1991 Skelly, Brian University of Hartford (L) n/a
1990 Christopher, Paul n/a U.S. Military Academy at West Point (TT)
1990 Dixon, Beth SUNY Plattsburgh (T) n/a
1990 Frazier, Robert Christ Church College, Oxford (T) Virginia Commonwealth University (L)
1990 Gabriel, Carol University of Southern Maine (L) n/a
1990 Sengupta, Gautam University of Hyderabad (T) n/a
1990 Markosian, Ned University of Massachusetts, Amherst (T) Lawrence University (L)
1990 McNamara, Paul University of New Hampshire (T) n/a
1989 Brown, Alison Northern Arizona University (T) n/a
1989 Faber, David Tabor College (T) n/a
1989 Haji, Ishtiyaque University of Calgary (T) n/a
1989 Lorraine, Tamsin Swarthmore College (T) n/a
1989 Webelhuth, Gert IEAS at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (T) n/a
1988 Blackson, Thomas Arizona State University (T) n/a
1988 Bodanszky, Eva Rutgers University (L) n/a
1988 Cormier, Lucille Fitchburg State College (L) n/a
1980 Conee, Earl University of Rochester (T) Indiana (L)